“Living Lohan” Episode 8 Part 2 of 3

www.myspace.com Thats Ali Lohan’s Official Myspace page Also Subscribe to my Youtube please!! The “Living Lohan Show” about Ali Lohan working on her new forthcoming studio album.

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25 Responses

  1. 7illa says:

    Cody lohan is the best!!!!!!

  2. onedayillbehisfriend says:

    Lol Jonnis was so cool. I’m glad he’s moving on up. Go Jonnis!

  3. lolafoxx says:

    “I am gangster mom”


  4. MysteryBoxz says:

    the only ones down to earth are the brothers for sure the older one

  5. elybox says:

    lol!is really hilarious-like your own kid punk’d you!lol!! it was cute though!soo cute! Cody’s adorable…i see where all LiLo and Ali’s talent coming from. Cody even made a good intro!he’s so cute!

  6. AmberBaybeee says:

    wow dina was soo good haha 😀

  7. Greensam18 says:

    YEAH, theres no way this wasnt staged.

  8. AliLohanFan01 says:

    I Love Ali Lohan.
    Glad Ali Ditched Jeremy, He Wanted What He Wanted Not What She Wanted. She The Star Not Him. And His Music Is Shit. I Love Ali Music Better.

    Cant Wait For Cd Ali.
    I Bought Ali Movie Mostly Ghostly Too, Very Good Actress..Worth Every Cent!!

  9. LuckyClover678 says:

    hahaha cody is so sweet. dina looked so freaked when she found out lmao

  10. lmcpherson1 says:

    This was so staged!

  11. somjastoga says:

    “time is money mum”
    ahahahaha….he’s great kid…..and so is ali ;))
    love the whole lohan family

  12. ajhulagirl says:

    yeah, i agree with you… but it was las vegas and it’s really hot there so ya she was probably allowed to wear short shorts because of that. And she had a belly top on only because she was going to be practicing dancing with that coreographer.

  13. GreySparkles says:


  14. JustYourAvrageBleh says:

    she was good!
    better than good!
    did she kinda wing it?

  15. JustYourAvrageBleh says:

    he’s no gangster. hes a pimp!
    rofl; lmao!
    hes lucky she didn’t get THAT mad(:

  16. cabr185 says:

    “i am gangster, mom.”

  17. musiccraze12 says:

    wow dina is so so good at dancing!

  18. anceny says:

    It’s touching to see a mom so dadicated to her children. More power to ya! 🙂

  19. clockp says:

    momma danced in her heels!!! u go girl! lol

  20. kerobaby says:

    Cody is so cute! hahahaha

  21. mallikahd says:

    “They’ll sue us.”
    “I am gangster, mom.”

  22. Bordinili says:

    CODY IS SOOOO CUTE…he is such a good kid

  23. zoexella says:

    haha at Dina when she says they’ll sue us.

  24. jarx18 says:

    ali is allowed to dress like that at 14? wow short shorts and a belly top it seems like shes trying to hard to be mature

  25. rachiey1234567 says:

    that routine has not been pratice , right enough!

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