Living Lohan E05 Part2

I hate this show, I really do.

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25 Responses

  1. nothingreally1234 says:

    Michael, cody, nana are the best on the show!!!

  2. Nannahe says:

    i love nana

  3. Nannahe says:


  4. TubbyCatProductions says:

    Ali, you’re not your sister. You can’t play Parent Trap.

  5. jason12skater says:

    I met Mike Lohan at my cousins lacross game. He’s sweet. And my aunt met linsdey lohan. He is number 19 and he plays lacrosse for ithaca college

  6. laurageee says:

    that’s exactly what I’ve been asking myself!

  7. babyduck198718 says:

    Seriously! It’s like addictive!

  8. stampyvanhalen says:

    why have i been whatching this for 5 hours straight???? ahhhhhhhhhhh

  9. lisalilsmartass says:

    yeah…love it tooo 🙂 – its so endearing

  10. lisalilsmartass says:

    yeah I agree- i love those moments too – it’s like weird seeing the family behind the really famous star and when they mention her you like remember oh yeah lindsays a part of the family…so weird

  11. Miracleez says:

    I love this show…=)

  12. riliana412 says:

    I think Cody and Micheal are the only humble real people left in their family, along with nana

  13. videocrack246 says:

    I love the moments when they mension Lindsey!!!!!!!its so wierd…like awkward!!!!

  14. AlessandraOving says:

    Michael is really hot and perfect!

  15. ilovehsmandcamprock says:

    “Your no help, get out”
    what the heck is cody’s problem. and its only 2 weeks. i wud be excited

  16. AmyBrapp says:

    Same! I love how micheal,steers cody in the right direction and calms him down,i agree with what he said,Hes probably done it all before seeing as their father doesnt live with them.

  17. oldgrannie16 says:

    AHAHAHAHAHA!!! they can play basketball 😀

  18. jmc1987jcgc says:

    Dina Lohan is like the opposite of Jane Carter w/ the gender celebrity obsession. The Lohans suck, atleast the carters can make girls scream 🙂 🙂

  19. Samantha1234perfect says:

    no…it would be so much better if she was, drama

  20. hilarys1fanx3 says:

    lmaooo. thats greatt (:

  21. hilarys1fanx3 says:

    is lindsayy in any of these?

  22. KatrinKristine says:

    Why cody says “And dad??” hahahaha poor cody..

  23. OperaticElvenmaid says:

    I miss Lindsay, too

  24. OperaticElvenmaid says:


  25. cheeseisgreat says:

    Cody challenging Nana to a basketball game !
    ‘But I don’t have my sneakers on’

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