Living Lohan E03 Part1

LOL to all the “are you uploading E03 ??” messages I got. WTF?? I have a JOB and I live in FRANCE so sorry if I don’t upload the show 5 seconds after it aired hahha I love you internet people, don’t you ever change

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25 Responses

  1. Rosemarym12 says:

    read this it really works!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put your hands on your chest both hands and think of a crush or bf…………… tomorrow they will kiss u say they love u or ask u out but here is the catch put this message on five other videos for good luck

  2. MeAnnalise says:


  3. torilouyeah says:

    Yeah a spoiled stuck up 14 year old who hasn’t said no to and disliked. She needs to suck it up everyone gets bullied. Haha. They’re wacked up.

  4. eylikeeee says:

    yes i really wanna know the song on 3:13

  5. AmberBaybeee says:

    theres no need for bullys. they girls that harass ali are jst jelous:)

  6. callumbrr says:

    Dina Lohan “I want her to be normal”

    ummm……is that why you invited cameras in the house?

  7. jhonatansody says:

    dang that wus mean but yeah she should go to rehab before she actually starts lol jk they are mean

  8. gotmilk116 says:

    i love how they have to blur rachel, lacey, and amanda’s faces on the poster

  9. Slimhill92 says:

    If she writes a lot of music y won’t she record them

  10. vieveangie says:

    somehow i dont feel sorry 4 her, just cuz her sis is famous doest mean that the hole famo needs to be in the spot light,

  11. babyduck198718 says:

    I like grandmother. She is sweet.:)

  12. RaachelGail says:


  13. Shazl3cious says:

    I like this show….i think every celeb family deals with this…and this is the truth.

  14. blair57x says:

    The Cody Show
    Tadaaaaaaaa <333

  15. blair57x says:

    yeha me too its so amazing

  16. blair57x says:

    whats the song at 3.10 …..3 27
    please anyone

  17. drqtgurl7 says:

    thats fucked up what they said like i dont even think she’s happy with all her sisters drama & then her mother seeiking fame & then herself trying to be famous without real talent & her parents divorce & crap. But i still dont like they way they are, too fake & stuck up. I just wouldn;t treat her like that, i would just ignore & avoid making contact. But there are haters out there.

  18. defiant718 says:

    um. i love dinas overextended use of the phrase “mean girls”

  19. kissnoob says:


  20. twirlingmadlyxx says:

    thats soo mean. naw i like ali now. hahahaha.

  21. hemzzzzzmisslove says:

    luv u ali

  22. kissmehunni says:

    this pisses me off!!!!
    1) Lindsay did not ‘screw’ up. shes JUST human and so has been through some hard times.
    2) and as for Ali, she is amazing! I love her music – all the way around is great. Her mum is just trying to protect her and shes so mature for just walking away rather than fighting back. Theyre just jealous and pathetic!!! Ali – your stunning, beautiful and talented 😀 good luck – im 14 and a big fan from England.

  23. gotmilk116 says:

    o god. nana’s so awesome

  24. verbalkint79 says:

    how many times is she going to mention mean girls?

  25. hanabanana384 says:

    thats so mean!!

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