25 thoughts on “Living Lohan E02 Part3

  1. orangecounty283

    kids call, fire in the house.

    –mom goes into ‘panic mode’
    and then she goes to tell people about it instead of running out there and racing home!

    great mom.

  2. GilieBean

    I think its cute . & shes right you cant believee everything these people say ! I mean , yeaa its tough … because if they where a normal family everybody would think its ok … likee ” My mom went outt … & the firee got on fire ” . they woudlnt exactky be judgin them if she wasnt famous . soo its ridiculos that these ppl r such idiots to judge someone they know nothing about !

  3. IceysMoment

    they say set the record straight of lohans,and there always gonna be a mean girl
    if u ment messages
    i would show the world to;)
    (my opinion)

  4. IceysMoment

    poor ali
    i mean i wanna be like my big brother he got one kid,
    tho am a girl,or my little sister,she got 2 kids,i have none.but its ur siblings.FGS
    change number Ali;)love ya

  5. MizHoLLywOOd18015

    omg if you pause when it looks at her phone u see
    April 23, 2008 6:07:43 pm
    April 23, 2008 6:07:12 pm
    April 23, 2008 6:06:35 pm
    April 23, 2008 6:05:46 pm

    those are text messages people were sending to her thats rude and disheartening rly.

  6. twirlingmadlyxx

    lindsay is so much prettier and sweeter and everything. HAHAHAHA.
    i love lindsay! she is soo good. her sister is just playing it all up for the camera.

  7. mikejessmax

    Wtf!? There’s a fire in the house & she runs around telling people & answering questions!? If she really was the mom she says she is, as soon as she heard the word ‘fire’ her ass should’ve been sitting on a cab, paying it extra to speed & get her to that house. You can tell that her kids are just her meal ticket & lifestyle supporters.

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