25 thoughts on “Living Lohan E02 Part2

  1. slapyalaterr

    haha i love jeremy greene…

    he was in concert but i didnt know who he was at first then couple of days later i was like oh yea that dude from living lohan!

  2. medicalremedy

    OMG that is one shitty mom. One second she’s all like I feel the need to protect my kids, and the next second she’s all like PARTY LIKE THE 80’S

  3. AliLohanFan01

    OMG I Love Ali & Lindsay.
    But Their Mom Wants To Controll Their Career. Just Because She Has 2 Kids That Are Famous Does Not Mean The Do What She Wants I Hope When Ali Has Sold Out Concerts & Huge Record Sales I Hope Ali Turns Around & Slaps The Shit Outta Her

  4. aerielove

    im bk during alis interviews she looks lik shes trying 2 act way 2 old 4 her age by wearing a ton of makeup and it makes her look horrible when she is actually vry pretty.

  5. aerielove

    i cant believe ali talked to her mother lik that when talking about the black slip dress. i would nvr b allowed 2 talk to my mom lik that

  6. LUCYdunzo

    wtf. dina is a fckin control freak. dina just openly admitted she was using Jeremy for his music. She’s a bitch. IF, and i mean IF… ali ends up completely stoned and fcked up, we know who to blame. And as for Lindsay… great parenting Dina, awesome parenting.

  7. lucyt128

    will everboy shut the fuck up,there normal 2 me ali is amazing and talented,give these people a break.how would u fell if the did this 2 u

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