LisaNova does Lindsay Lohan!

FOLLOW ME: Lindsay Lohan has to make a decision. Have any of you seen Sophie’s Choice starring Meryl Streep? Well Lindsay Lohan would have you believe that “Sophie’s Decision” is a better film… Written by Ben Donovan- The “LisaNova does Series” is a series of spoofs or imitations of famous Hollywood celebrities and Youtube stars. this one is LisaNova does Lindsay Lohan.

25 thoughts on “LisaNova does Lindsay Lohan!

  1. nontypicalguy

    Funny, but I didn’t rate this 5 stars because Michael Rappaport should sound less like a british guy with deep tones and a lot more like a wigger

  2. Heart2Heart59

    You’re gone, Lisa Nova. Miss California keeps her crown, and you and other pathetic agenda seekers will get yours. You are typically funny, but this is just ignorant. You’re history.

  3. tipmeoveranpourmeout

    ? copy and paste if you agree that corporate companies like Disney and Hulu do not belong on YouTube

    ? copy and paste if you want YouTube back to the way it was in 2006 / 2007

    ? copy and paste if you want to keep the YOU in YOUTUBE

    ? copy and paste if you want back the original youtube owners

    ? copy and paste if you want to keep your account

  4. lollatlol


    FIRST put both hands on your chest. (boy or girl)

    SECOND think of someone you like.

    THIRD tomorrow that person will ask you out or say they love you.

    FOURTH Heres the catch, write this to five videos.

  5. Sceptylos

    take ur middle finger and put it on your nose.
    2. say the name of someone u like.
    3. that person will ask u out or say they love u tomarrow.
    4. heres the thing copy and paste to 2? other vids dnt read this(cuz it realy works).u will gt kissed on he nearest frieday
    by the love of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days

  6. pumad

    whats that? she is so talentless i decided to watch all her vids an give an true opinion about it

    IT SUCKS, what is with her face while acting, i can act as good as her and she just thinks shes funny, and spamms every subscriber

  7. darkcakey

    10 Facts
    1. Your reading my comment
    2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
    4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
    5. Your checking it now.
    6. Your smiling.
    7. Your still reading my comment.
    8. You know all you have read is true.
    10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.
    11. Your checking it now.
    12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts

    Copy and paste to 1 video, tomorrow will be your best day ever! no matter what

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