Linsanity Nets Loss, Lindsay Lohan Returns to SNL – 02.21.12

Today on The Daily Brief we look at the following topics: Linsanity Loses to Nets: Blackberry Playbook 2.0: Lindsay Lohan Returns to SNL/Acting:

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25 Responses

  1. waswase1 says:

    the only reason i watch this video is becasue of jeremy lin fucking bitch? hehehehe 😀

  2. SXLePiC says:

    Judging from the comments,? I’m clearly the only viewer who finds Chloe attractive.

  3. agencebigot says:

    what about a chole special next week … daily brief backstage/ chloe in the real life/lots of video? and pics lol with the feed back of all coments !

  4. spanskyviolator says:

    Your seriously so dam hot I just? want to see you talk!!!

  5. agencebigot says:

    @StellarMoig noooooo 😉 she is? so cute without them 😉 !!!!!

  6. pinchealberto says:

    I was expecting that Lindsay was going realy low and? do porn that would of been Epic.

  7. crackberry992 says:

    Thumbs up if you didnt listen to what she was saying and? just stared at chloe the whole time

  8. Hossified says:

    I’ll hit the like button for you, I could care less about? Lindsay

  9. JoeBird76 says:

    This one? seemed….rushed. lol

  10. b4byfac3 says:

    so cute?

  11. allinero1 says:


  12. xmiphistox says:

    Lindsay Lohan…. Don’t expect? many likes.

  13. cachoblack23 says:

    I’m excited to? see Chloe tomorrow.

  14. Thorax232 says:

    Where’s the link to the viral video?? I share those as if I found them myself!

  15. Hickjackass2k10 says:

    I? was also forced to dislike. She is horrible!

  16. iiottoii says:

    I was forced to dislike this.. I am not? excited for Lindsay to come back

  17. iiottoii says:


  18. donuthaters12 says:

    omg it’s so hot? when chloe talks about basketball

  19. Delta2099 says:

    Chloe? need to lay off the coffee.

  20. StellarMoig says:

    I like her in glasses more? 🙂

  21. DilzTV says:

    Thumbs if? u think we should vote for chloe of Maxims new top 100

  22. 007phycokiller says:

    I hit the like button because I like this show? .

  23. TSCon23 says:

    I am definitely? Team CHLOE!

  24. SuperPinkykitty says:

    Hey Thats? our / denmarks prinsses mary ^_^

  25. DarkAgent80 says:

    Thanks? Chloe!