Lindsay was out all night partying, but chauffeured by her bodyguard Jaz, before she went back to her condo around 5 am and picked up her own car and left, driving herself. The accident occurred just a few blocks from where she lives and her bodyguard drove the damaged car back to the condo, where it was then towed. … Samantha Ronson Lindsay Lohan bitch sexy lesbian

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15 Responses

  1. sarahsfan says:

    yeah and around 3:51 or something you can see sam touch lindsays face like to turn her around 2 face her.. probably to see how high she was lol

  2. 5aroofa says:

    Well Did they make up or are they still fighting?

  3. thelbox says:

    at 3:06

  4. finwisher says:


  5. sentstuff05 says:

    yep. they were fighting the whole night, which led to the crash.

  6. emosXrXtheXbest says:

    is it me or does she say fuck that gaddamn lesbian?

  7. gogoutube says:

    what’s that gotta do with me? asshole!

  8. tranl30 says:

    at 1:48 you can hear samantha in the middle of lost for words and then precedes to run out of the car into the the house. I think Lindsay was being bratty. You can see another person run behind sam. Then another girl gets out of the SUV. In the meantime Lindsay’s bodyguards try to get her out of the car. She starts playing with the radio and turns it full blast. Then the brat leaves the SUV and heads into the house party with another friend behind her .

  9. poppoya says:

    lol cute.

  10. gogoutube says:

    i love samantha. i gotta take tips on how to act manly!

  11. jasoninbrisbane says:

    poor firecrotch thats hot xx

  12. shanerexdog says:

    lol haha they are like cockaroach

  13. douleth says:

    what drama ??? ogm I can imagine what zoo???? lol take to long to go on ! lol crazyyy

  14. silvestreherrera says:

    I want my 6 minutes back

  15. trevstryder20 says:

    fucking crack whore cant drive fast cars

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