Lindsay & Samantha – Soneto XVII –

The very beautiful poem… from Pablo Neruda … Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson amor novia soneto xvii 17 pablo neruda

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13 Responses

  1. styniemg says:

    OMG…!!! you must be blind….

  2. jettiejill says:

    my fav pic is at 1:23

  3. jettiejill says:

    sam looks hotter with short hair she is just so hot i think they make a hot couple

  4. HeLenSummyGirL says:

    0:26 cutee (: ronson see more better with that hair..

  5. xmen5k says:

    This was AWESOME!!! It gathered together everything I like! Pictures, RoHan and my favorite poet Pablo Neruda!!! THANK YOU!!!

  6. mariano77elias says:

    debe ser EROTIC LOUNGE.

  7. volkotenok says:

    Is the XVII Sonet from Pablo Neruda, Literature Nobel Prize from Chile

  8. missAvril says:

    Hi!!! nice video!!!! what’s the name of the song, please?? =)

  9. annecrow says:

    OMG amoooo ese poema , makes me cry every time, y me ancanta la pareja ke acen lilo y sam se ven muy lindas juntas pero espero ke sam no vuelva a pintarse el cabello y se kede con ese corte ke se le ve muy bien

  10. spunkplan says:

    como dicen por ahi arriba has echo un gran trabajo,con un buen poema y un buen tema.
    el video muy trabajado

  11. arienedes says:

    Muy bonito ViDEO..=D!

  12. pyleo20 says:

    short vid ! but very aw !! =D* love them I wish they stay 2gether 4 ever !

  13. fransheskka says:

    Wonderful, I loved, good job.

    Maravilloso, amo este poema, buen trabajo al unir las fotografias y la voz.

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