Lindsay Samantha 2009-06-11

June 11, 2009: Those crazy kids are at it again! Samantha Ronson denies Lindsay Lohan entry into her home. The off-again on-again couple reportedly had a fight in the club, which carried over to this stand-off outside of Samantha’s house. An agitated Lindsay begs to be left alone at this humiliating moment… … Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson

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7 Responses

  1. chickrocker says:

    “did you make me wait long embarrassed me?”

  2. porquedigoyo says:

    what she said (3:00)???

  3. dinalovediamond says:

    lindsay said babe when she knocked on the door (2:32)…are they realy back together???

  4. friendsrocks04 says:

    yeah this is the x17 video

  5. kungfusweetheart says:

    you got this vid from X17 right? the paps are out of control

  6. arieligh says:

    about the alleged fight, i ask liz from perezrevenge, whose always talk directly to the celebrities and make clear all the lies she tell me this in twitter rPulse@arieligh was early today. No fight, LL asking paps to back off in a nice way. SR went in had hands full and dog, took minute to get door, SO NO FIGHT NO DRAMA, yes something that happens to everyone every day the stay together forever like samantha says in her twitt in london

  7. arieligh says:

    about the alleged fight, i ask liz from perezrevenge, whose always talk directly to the celebrities and make clear all the lies she tell me this in twitter rPulse@arieligh was early today. No fight, LL asking paps to back off in a nice way. SR went in had hands full and dog, took minute to get door, SO NO FIGHT NO DRAMA, yes something that happens to everyone every day the stay together forever like samantha says in her twitt in london

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