25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan’s Unique Fingernail Art

  1. EGGproductions420

    whoa i thought this was like a vid made by like a youtuber but it’s the press!! wtf?
    im sure many people can live without seeing this. ridiculous. im sick of lohan.

  2. Paulamlightfoot

    I think she was crying for real, but because she was afraid of going to jail. The nail message was just a flippant stab at the judge. She’ll have plenty of time to realize who’s in conrol….the COURT!

  3. moonodude17

    @MissNoraness Wrapped in barbed-wire, with no lube, and the broomstick is all splintered! The thing though is that she’s so nasty, she probably won’t feel a thing anyway.

  4. ladylhyn

    things get even more worse… At first when i heard the decision of the judge, I feel pity for her bcoz it would be really hard to live in a jail for 90 days. But now i change my mind, i think she really deserved it. She didn’t make serious at all, she still have the time for manicure and put a “wonderful word” at her nail ahhh… hehehe

    gudluck to her! ! !

  5. 7heRagingAngeI

    @midevalcheese Congrats on failing to recognize sarcasm when you see it in plain black and white. I thought the word “tacky” was a dead giveaway that I wasn’t being serious. I suppose I should have put a “J/k” or “LOL” in there somewhere too so your delicate ego wouldn’t be offended, but I can’t help thinking things would go so much smoother here if we didn’t have to spell things out to the very last letter in passing just to avoid such a disaster. Now if you’ll excuse me, Cribs is on.

  6. midevalcheese

    @7heRagingAngeI Congradulations! You are buying into the sh*t just like they want you to.

    Maybe they could spruce up the news by just leaving out all the bad news and tell us more about mindless celebrities that have never done any work in their entire lives. Watch more “Cribs.”

  7. 7heRagingAngeI

    @midevalcheese Your priorities are all screwed up. I’m here. It’s not pretty. Lots of oil, not nearly enough tacky fingernail art. It makes BS like this seem like a pleasant reprieve.

  8. sthesailor

    @sexybrunette951 im glad you idolize someone who gets caught not once- but twice driving drunk, who puts other people’s safety at risk just because she can’t go 2 hours without cramming her face with god-knows-what kind of substances. And who also drives while high on cocaine- seriously, your defensive praise of her criminal behavior reflects on your own morals and values- and for the record, if you’re going to get so defensive of her, at least learn to spell her name- and to spell in general


    I believe that money shouldn’t allow u special previledges!she is a criminal and needs to grow up.i am a fan of her work but if she doesnt get her sct straight she will be use to gray bars!!!

  10. pmaestro

    i love the fucking reporters harassing her as she passes by. “lindsay are you worried?” yeah, she’s going to stop and answer your questions. fuck. if that was your friend, you wouldn’t harass them like that. the ugly face of journalism.

  11. frost100db

    BETTER PUT HER IN A SPECIAL CELL!!! SHE COULD GET RAPED!!! all those freaking criminals.. i’m sure they’re very excited!!!
    SEPARATE HER!!! SHE IS NOT A CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! release her and put in all those stupid criminals… do spend your time hunting them so we could have a better society and leave her alone!!!

    do pray that she would be out soon, she don’t need to be punished like this!!!! this is too much!!!

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