Lindsay Lohan’s Lawsuit Against Rockstar Heats Up – The Know

What’s the most frivolous lawsuit you’ve ever heard of? News By: Meg Turney Hosted By: Meg Turney Music By: @EvGres at Follow The Know on Twitter:…

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25 Responses

  1. Nathan Cramer says:

    The lady suing Disney cuz she thinks it’s about her was still more

  2. Vik Sep says:

    If anything is looks more like Kate Upton ?

  3. Sergeant Johnson says:

    ? sue me i fucking dare you ya crazy bitch?

  4. cosmo6871 says:

    In other news, Meg’s shirt is flippin’ awesome.?

  5. xXOwenatorXx says:

    So you’re telling me all i need to do to sue rock star is to dye my hair
    blonde than take a photo of myself in a women’s bikini??

  6. TheOdd1000 says:

    I’m also fairly certain that Rockstar based the woman on the cover off of a
    real model, I can’t remember her name of the top of my head, and not a
    drugged up train wreck. ?

  7. Sol Ace says:

    Over seven BILLION people live on this Earth. That looks like this:
    7,000,000,000+, and this ONE girl thinks that she has been plagiarized
    because one artistic photo shares a couple traits with her. How effing
    arrogant can one girl be? Don’t tell me it’s over money, because she has
    plenty of that.?

  8. Ferl M says:

    I threw my back out masturbating to you Meg. So I’m suing you.?

  9. 123455thatguy says:

    One of the letters in the title of this video is the same as one of the
    letters in my name. Time to sue.?

  10. BloodBrigade says:

    I wish that washed-up celebrities like Lindsay would find more productive
    means of drumming up publicity for themselves. Lawsuits such as this one
    are ridiculous and hurt everyone involved.?

  11. teamdyhi says:

    by far the dumbest lawsuit i’ve ever heard was a mans family sues i guess
    sea world or some shit because the aquarium didn’t say that killer whales
    can kill ?

  12. SuperArashi90 says:

    Breaking News:

    I just kicked over my 360 and scratched my GTA 5 disc – now whenever I
    enter west vinewood or use a taxi, my game crashes. Need a disc to install
    from – will mail back to you.

    Wait what was that about Lohan??

  13. JoeSeppey says:

    This lawsuit is as ridiculous as nipples on a breastplate.?

  14. Bob Dole says:

    Wait, this is still going on??

  15. MrKennyCakemouth says:

    I saw W Churchill doing the peace sign in an old photo once. Though he
    wasn’t wearing a bikini.That would be weird.?

  16. TheKabDriver says:

    Damn, Lohan is an example of why you should never take drugs?

  17. JR Kingdon says:

    The dumb bitch is running out of money and will do anything to get it
    apparently lol?

  18. Jonathan Brazzle says:

    That cunt doesn’t own the peace sign, the fuck is she smoking?

  19. ConallM98 says:

    Ringo Starr did the ‘Peace Sign’ before Lindsay Lohan.?

  20. crosseyesproductions says:

    What about the woman who sued McDonald’s because she spilled coffee in her
    lap? And then won? That ones probably the most ridiculous.?

  21. BigLittle Sloth says:

    I know a blonde woman…
    Where’s my lawyer?!?

  22. FindingCMO says:

    Fucking dumbass ?

  23. clericofchaos1 says:

    the most ridiculous lawsuits I’ve ever heard are the ones where criminals
    sue honest people for something that happened while the criminal was
    committing a crime…like that one guy that was trying to break into this
    couple’s house and fell through the roof and broke his leg, he freaking
    sues the couple for his broken leg…how stupid is that??

  24. theomega616 says:

    Most frivolous lawsuit? Not sure about that but my favorite story is the
    woman who sued an RV manufacturer ‘cos she thought “cruise control” would
    allow her to go and make a sammich while she drove … she obviously
    crashed and sued the company for not explaining the feature properly!

    I’ve also seen a hair drier with “do not use in the shower” label attached
    … which was obviously put there ‘cos somebody was stupid on 2 levels …
    one, trying to dry your hair while water fell on it and two, taking an
    electrical item into a shower! And you know that stupid motherfucker tried
    to sue.?

  25. Mathias says:

    Isn’t she broke and irrelevant right now? That would explain it…?