8 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan’s Latest Rehab MESS!

  1. Kelly Roberts

    She’s a pain in the arse who really likes her anyway ? I’ve never liked her since after mean girls that was the last good thing she? did!

  2. 4tami27

    I feel sorry for her, just a teeny tiny bit. But I don’t see her? changing when she gets out. Unless she really truly takes in the treatment and admits she’s an addict, then there would be some hope.

  3. jessicajackin

    good. she shouldn’t be allowed to be high on prescription drugs in rehab. she doesn’t really need them. she has a prescription for adderal and loads of opiates. they are just as bad? as illegal drugs when abused. people call her a? coke head, alki, etc. but i think her main problem is prescription drugs, which are so easy available when you’re rich & famous.

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