Oh, Ross… I love you no? matter what size you are! You seem happier when you’re not hungry. You’re like the gay(er), white Oprah; except way funnier. 🙂
Yeahh He would be a lot better to host the Tonight Show instead of that doofus Fallon. It’s where he started as “the intern” I think. Those idiot suits at NBC would? never go for a gay host tho.
How come Charlie Sheen only 20 minutes from here never goes to jail for illegal needles drugs,something is? just not right who is protecting him anyways?
OMG Who cares… Chelsea need to put back the full episodes? ;c
Oh, Ross… I love you no? matter what size you are! You seem happier when you’re not hungry. You’re like the gay(er), white Oprah; except way funnier. 🙂
He’s filthy rich, he buys? his ways. Lindsay Lohan is broke.
Yeahh He would be a lot better to host the Tonight Show instead of that doofus Fallon. It’s where he started as “the intern” I think. Those idiot suits at NBC would? never go for a gay host tho.
DYING!!! omg so fucking? funny!
I looove? Ross Mathews! 🙂
Ross? Matthews needs his own show! I LOVE HIM!
Guys like Charlie Sheen get treating like? gods, Girls like Lindsay get treated like biblical whores.
Ross is so? adorable
Call? me bro lets party
Damn? I wnna party with him get at me bro lol
Tee he ha ha? oh golly gee ha ha ha…
How come Charlie Sheen only 20 minutes from here never goes to jail for illegal needles drugs,something is? just not right who is protecting him anyways?
First? again