Lindsay Lohan`s First Interview After Rehab Part 1

Exclusive interview to Extra, Warner Bros. (c). First part. – Lohan invited “Extra” inside her new home in Los Angeles for a deeply personal and revealing conversation. – In her first interview since leaving rehab, actress Lindsay Lohan breaks her silence and tells “Extra’s” Jerry Penacoli about her days in treatment, her fears for the future — and offers a look inside her new life.

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25 Responses

  1. anjelkrush89 says:

    i love her. she has an enigmatic allure, a? demanding presence, and a friendly familiarity about her that comes with being in front of a camera for such a long time.

  2. wiggitywiggitywham says:

    I? still Love her ‘

  3. sarajadebear says:

    I think lindsay was an EXTReMEly talented actress but she ruined it with all the artificial work she did on her face. And I hate her with blonde/whitish hair cuz it makes her look even older. She was a beautiful? talented girl and I hope she can bring her act together.

  4. xraycat30 says:

    Why does no one consider it strange that a heterosexual woman would engage in a homosexual relationship? Are all? you people so stupid that you honestly believe that all these so-called, “Bisexual” women would not be licking eachothers cunts if not for the porno industry and the mass popular culture that is supporting it? Are you all really that naive? For real?

  5. golemnro9 says:

    she looks? old

  6. steph9612223 says:

    Y do i have a feeling that dis interview is? kind of being mean to her?

  7. Taytaygumbum says:

    plz come check out my teen workout vids! i subscribe back!! :)?

  8. lilo30698 says:


  9. prodigywifee143 says:


  10. Djimo93 says:

    I wanna? fuck youuuuuuuuu

  11. MuusicLoVerin says:

    beeing? famous kills!

  12. fivia cy says:

    i miss the old? lindsay…..

  13. MrCafam1 says:

    She’s an addict and needs? help. Lets face it ,sometimes it great to go through life as just plain ordinary when nobody nows your business or who you are. It must suck to go to the store for milk and have people on you like a cheap suit. It maybe for you but not me no matter what the payout would be.

  14. TheDeeeznuts says:

    i hope she gets better and she stays clean and gets her stuff together. she’s such a? great actress, I hope not another celebrity dies cuz of drug abuse, etc.

  15. akagregoryaka says:

    so healthy and so beautiful? she does not look either, she looked so much better before the botox? and when she weighed more and with red hair…

  16. CkeiQuorinmusic says:

    She was in a? car crash again 2 days ago. -,-

  17. ShikariGangstress says:

    I hate comments like the one hirirsi wrote; “she should do an adult movie, I’d watch that”. Really? How about every attractive girl in the world makes a porno, just to please all you guys that can’t think with anything else than your ORGAN? Because obviously girls should all be in front of the camera naked, that’s all? you guys care about. Is a girl worth anything else to you or are they all just “meat”? Stupid, stupid world…

  18. MrOoddee says:

    We are Muslims / Islam is a religion very? beautiful / Muhammad was the last of the prophets and messengers / I love Mohammed / love God / God is great / We Muslim women are happy / happy because we are Muslims / Islam, the religion of nice / I want you to read the religion of Islam / read books about Islam / please a religion happy and safe / I am a Muslim and I’m happy to Islam

  19. osagallo says:

    that ugly moron is to? yang for plastic face

  20. 12geminijune says:

    Honesty do think she is talented as an actress, it will be interesting to see were she will be in her career a year or 2 for now because that is going to be the deal breaker for her. She’s still quite young, all though i do think its taken her longer then expected to make a come back do to her personal problems.

    She has been acting since she was very long? and everyone is quick to judge, but look at Drew Berrymore. In the early 90s she was seen as “the party girl” and look at her now, respected

  21. Kille483 says:

    She was beautiful? before, but she’s still pretty!

  22. Kille483 says:

    Plastic surgery? and so on!

  23. shelisaa345 says:

    she is like soo strong! there are so many ppl who do the same thing as lindsay, and no one fricken cares! but just because lindsay waz sooooooooooo succesful (and still is) ppl wer shocked, so SHUT? THE HELL UP SHES AMAZING!

  24. xxpurpleheartful says:

    why does she look? differnent? (Besides the fact that she looks healthier)

  25. Graalfoxy64 says:

    Buy my? weed bitch,fuk da po-lis