Lindsay Lohan’s Changing Face – 25 years in 60 seconds

A photo morph video showing the changes in Lindsay Lohan’s face over her short life. Will rehab lilo photo. Luckily she seems to be in a really good place right now so hopefully she can turn her life around and find redemption. New images of Lindsay have just surfaced and she is looking fantastic. Please google search for her latest pics. She is certainly on the road to recovery. Lindsay Lohan leaked wiki machete rehab

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan’s Changing Face – 25 years in 60 seconds

  1. chunky52695

    @1:11 that is what drugs do? to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! children, plz remember this face and DONT ever do drugs. She’s only 25yrs old but she looks like she could be madonna’s sister.

  2. liatsarnas

    This is an opus. What artistry! What creativity! The music was just so perfect for the travesty of this young woman’s life. Such talent all to waste. Lindsay, you had a beautiful face right from the get-go. Don’t ever let the? industry try to change you. Keep up the beautiful art, VJ4rawr2. Long live the Parent Trap!

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