Lindsay Lohan’s Birthday Party With Samantha – RoHan

Take a look, they have matching tatoos…both on their left hands.

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25 Responses

  1. thegodrevolution says:

    Lindsay kissed a girl because she was having a failing career

  2. flouka9 says:

    Lindsay, You are so Gorgeousss!!
    You deserve so much better than miserable git sam ronson….

  3. rdt1970 says:

    best thing you did now get a real guy thats into you for you! and not for fame. think shes so dam hot i want lindsey lo

  4. lovelyz25 says:

    like linday lohan’s really gay

  5. sdfgadgdfgfsdafdgafd says:

    Agree. Neither do gays

  6. bitchybaby8 says:

    lindsey is one of my idols ,, yeah samantha plays the boy role lol x

  7. ezamuel says:


  8. RenoLoveBug says:

    i know right!

  9. mimaquacg183 says:

    lindsay is the girl and samantha plays the boy’s role

  10. neptuneisbleeding says:

    Wow, i can’t believe how worked up some ignorant people get about homosexuality. I mean, you have to ask yourself: Why do i care who is fucking whom? Really, who gives a shit?

  11. neptuneisbleeding says:

    what would anyone see in you with your shitattude? Btw, Dyke with a ‘y’ you philistine. I bet you think you’re clever….

  12. jsebastianfilms says:

    No man, butch not bitch. For #2, so that gives them right 2 share a dildo? I don’t think it’s very sanitary. Sam an artist? OK If dressing like a butch from the 80’s qualifies as creative. You’re not spinning some right wing conservative crap we had 2 put up w/ 4 8years. I can say & think anything. I’m not going 2 let a lib or neo-con tell me what I can say or do. I have an opinion & everyone else has an opinion good or bad, agree or disagree. I’m saying it cause I live in the USA.

  13. jsebastianfilms says:

    Lesbians can’t get married, in Cali. oh smack!

  14. jsebastianfilms says:

    Sam is butch, sam the the butcher.

  15. jsebastianfilms says:

    lindsay’s chick is such a dike. Oh gawd she’s not even pretty or attractive. what does she see in him I mean, her.

  16. madydlovesrex says:

    she onlysaid shewanted to work with justin

  17. Chappis91 says:

    Theres nothing wrong with her being with a girl.

  18. MODESTOBOYS says:

    lisday i thoght you crushed on justin timberlake but i see your with a woman ,,,your better than that wow i got shocked.. i’ll still party with you but i wont fu**k you,, before i’d give my finger up not no more…do you know thats hell?.. your a pretty woman get a sharp hansome guy

  19. heavenlyworlds says:

    Funny how faggot men hate pussy but their dressing all drag and shit. Eat your words dude.

  20. sarakampp says:

    er lindsay lebbe?

    eeej.. 🙁

  21. jaywalkinglol1 says:

    am bi and lindsay lohan i love her so much sam ur ugly and don tet me wrong she isnt my type of girls but yeah am sorry if offend u okay ily lindsay lohan as long as ur happy then am happy for u

    am so gay ily sam n lindsay

  22. Mel000n says:

    i m a lesbian n i use the word butch, 2 xD

  23. khbull12 says:

    to all the assholes that say Sam looks like an ugly man, she is not!! She is hot and most women just fall instantly for someone who isnt your typical female. I hate the word “butch”. Let me just say lesbians who are not very feminie are so attractive to other women, even straight girls!!!! Thats right! straight girls get confused about their sexuality just by looking and having a conversation with a so called “butch womanl”!!!! Ahh! I get so frustrated!!!

  24. Saynotothegoverment says:

    Fuck you you piece of shit, lesbians can do whatever they want.

    Maybe the one is more MANLY, but not so many girls are AS MANLY.

    I for once dress girly and ‘MANLY’ at the same time (sweats, big tshirts) but i still LOOK LIKE A WOMAN.

    Dont steriotype all fucking women, every lesbian has the right to dress however they want.

    Maybe they dont want a fucking huge cock near them, ever think of that?

    O and just for the the ‘girly’ lesbians can be ‘manly’ too, dick.

  25. pumpkinking9e says:

    Funny how Lesbians claim to hate men and not want to sleep with men, yet one of the pair always dresses like a man, looks like a man, acts like a man….

    The only thing missing is a dick……

    What a joke!

    So Lesbians don’t like guys? But yet in a couple, 1 always plays the role of the guy with no cock…interesting..

    Lesbo’s do like guys obviously..they are just messed up in the head…..

    Props to the real Lesbians who keep it girly and who love pussy for real, not just playing dress up

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