Lindsay Lohan’s Biggest Fear After Adderall Cut-Off

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8 Responses

  1. Justin Casey says:


  2. Lord Hokage says:

    damn this girl? is not worth it

  3. Jensen Cherny says:

    For fuck sakes stop doing drug stop being bad why can’t you be good like mean girls freaky Friday parent trap Heribe fully loaded just my luck and get a clue?

  4. MischievousKittie says:

    she is bipolar? , scioaffective, or BPD.. she is ADHA not.

  5. MissCRB says:

    She MAY really b worried about weight gain but prob more addicted to it than anything whether she realizes it or not. A LOT of ppl snort it because it’s suppose to feel? a lot like coke.

  6. Cathey Thomas says:

    No way,? because she DOES NOT have ADHD! So she does not “need” ANY brand of speed.

  7. spemat31 says:

    they’ll probably give her vyvanse… that is what they push? on people nowadays

  8. Elle Hill says:

    She needs to get over herself?