25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan’s 2 Million Dollar Pay Day from Oprah

  1. Brian H

    okay yes we get it, but youre comparing 2? total different scenarios. Lohan is a public figure, unfortunately. The controversy will bring people to watch it, hence why Oprah is paying her the ‘fair’ amount of $2 million, because she’s worth the business it will bring in.

  2. Julio de Leon

    First off, please learn proper English before you state an? opinion in English. Secondly, please learn how to spell before you type. Last but not least, if you’re going to call yourself “jesus luver,” please don’t use profanity; it disgusts me to run into people like yourself.

  3. Oh Noe

    I hope this has some underlying sinister means such as giving her a shitload of money so that she could intentionally enable? her to buy drugs and relapse LOL

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  6. HJW018

    To use a line from South Park “Annnnnd It’s Gone.” It just seems fitting. Though I wish her the best, history has continued to repeated itself with her. So I’m? not holding my breath.

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