Lindsay Lohan Would NEVER Drink and Drive! Please Subscribe! Skank Edition! Britney, Lindsay! Nicole! And oh yes you can go on to Tyra’s website and tell her that you would love to see BUCK from WHAT THE BUCK on her show!!!! heheheheh Do you love it? and TYRA WOULD LIKE THIS VIDEO HERE! Don’t forget to rate/comment!

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25 Responses

  1. daintyfoxycupcake26 says:

    Make me come wild! Join me INSIDE now!

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  2. NYIslanders4Lyfe says:

    your skank editions rock

  3. orjan1992 says:


  4. LovelyMyko says:

    You’re right about the Utah thing. >>; *lives in Utah*

  5. XxrAiNyDaYlOvErxX says:

    you are a little gay but that is what makes this show ! WHATTHEBUCK!!!!!

  6. xxChayLaidigxx says:

    “Get a night-light bitch!”


    Chay xx

  7. CherryBlossom9608 says:

    lol ‘and oprah might be fat’

  8. Pixxee36 says:

    XD prob because he is gay 🙂

  9. Fieldlax says:

    um….he sounds really gay….

  10. nomorals18 says:

    Well, i like your videos a lot thats why iam telling you i voted for you! i hope you win

  11. majallica2 says:

    pee bitch or ill kill you hahahaha

  12. dtmhater says:


  13. pizdakol says:


  14. KeriLotiono7 says:

    Love it!!! LOL

  15. LudovicaAuzolas says:

    if he wasnt gay this show would suck…. hes great! (btw who cares?)

  16. xxxxPunkRockxxxx says:

    obviously! but hes frkn awesome 🙂

  17. dtmhater says:

    is diss dude gay? no seriosly???

  18. nirvanachic89 says:

    lol great great

  19. eGoBrAiN81091 says:

    he has a lot of skank editions, haha

  20. ilovebetin says:

    scissor? ew gross lol

  21. ashley314 says:

    love it love it love

  22. alexomgz says:

    red bullshit!

  23. 1126trin says:

    LOVE IT, lmao!!!

  24. misstiffanyann says:

    get a nightlight, bitch! :]
    i loooovvveee u buck
    why arn’t you straight so we can get married?

  25. harpoonlips says:

    lmao!! glabal warming……harry potter and things like that lol!!

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