Lindsay Lohan Won’t Be Offered Any More Plea Offers From Fed-Up Prosecutors

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11 Responses

  1. InsidiousSaint91 says:

    Because she’s 100 times hotter than your ugly ass??

  2. Farah Alchouli says:

    That stupid idiotic drug addict !! I hope she dies!!!?

  3. malakaijub says:

    you need? help to get back to reality fast!

  4. Par N says:

    If this? is a Top Story ..then what is a Bottom Story ?

  5. Del Scipio says:

    Maybe the Prosecutors can take a tissue? and jam it up their ass.

  6. Michael Engelkamp says:

    Please don’t not be rude to this young lady!! She is just a girl trying to live her life, but everyone just harasses her for no reason. First the cops try and frame her and now heartless Youtube bully’s like @Malakaijub just sit there and makes comments that are unnecessary. From the words of? Stephanie Tanner “How rude!!”. Please go get help from a professional, so that you can avoid hurting others to make yourself feel better! Thanks

  7. malakaijub says:

    shut up? lindsay

  8. ladamyre1 says:


  9. Michael Engelkamp says:

    No Martha Stewart went to prison for prostitution and faulty products. And? I know all the charges against sweet little Lindsay is all false!!!! The gov’t is just trying to get easy money by framing this poor innocent girl!! I find this sick and we as a nation should all stand up for her and fight the corrupted cops who have planted false evidence against her!!

  10. ladamyre1 says:

    Lying to police… isn’t that the same charge they put Martha Stewart in prison for? Or was it because Martha was a Hillary Clinton? supporter, and was a vocal critic of the Bush administration? I forget.

    Somehow I don’t think Lindsay is going to do as much time as Martha did.

  11. theambitlady says:

    She’s going to wind? up doing a stint just like lil Kim did. I feel bad for her because she thinks lawyers can work magic. I don’t think any judge is going to do anything short of having her serve time somewhere for something. Ayer the gavel is hit down by the judge for his decision, her appeals will fall on deaf ears. I will keep this naive young women with too many chances thrown away, a place in my heart. She’s going to need a lot of prayer for what is now in front of her.