Lindsay Lohan…What?!?

May 21, 2010 – ( – I MEAN…WHAT?!? was on set at the recent photo shoot with Lindsay Lohan shot by Markus Klinko & Indrani, styled by GK Reid, produced by Jorge Perez. They are all part of the new Bravo-TV show, Double Exposure, that is set to finally air on June 15. Should be a hoot as each episode is a different celebrity photo shoot and all the Bravo-type drama that ensues. Lindsay was the consummate professional on this set and gave it her all.

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5 Responses

  1. mslovelyeyes0 says:

    She can be hot when she wants to be. She was hot before she went on drugs, like in mean girls. But it’s aged her about 10 years.

  2. ALCAEUS72 says:

    She is the most beautiful one out there rightnow! I luv redheads though. But she also comes equipped with a compassionate heart and a lovong soul, lol Complete bonus!!! Slave to her beauty!!! Good for her!!!!

  3. platinumblondebiatch says:

    hopefully this photoshoot will be sexier and classier than that grody blood photoshoot. Tyler Shields has an obsession with blood.

  4. prettixinsane says:

    They’d make a hot couple. And Indrani has already put it out there…..just sayin’.

  5. 23Belligerent says:

    I dont care what anyone says about her, she is HOT.

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