Lindsay Lohan was Rejected by Jennifer Lawrence’s Boyfriend

Lindsay Lohan reportedly doesn’t like Jennifer Lawrence, but EVERYONE likes Jennifer Lawrence, so what could her reasoning be? Apparently, it’s because of Nicholas Hoult. For the latest…

10 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan was Rejected by Jennifer Lawrence’s Boyfriend

  1. Miss Ailurophile

    Just because Jen is overly used doesnt means she’s fake or a bad person. I
    agree she is slightly over rated but thats no excuse to hate her. You dont
    even know her ?

  2. Unica Manguiat

    Jennifer Lawrence amuze people with her mesmerizing beauty that led her to
    be famous and known to people. So If you hate her, please just shut the
    fuck up and keep it to your damn self. ???? ?

  3. ragemonster

    well technically lindsay didn’t lie :/ Jennifer did a lot of things just to
    kick off her acting career but lindsay shouldn’t have said anything. just
    like rosie mocking her sobriety and how she stated it was disgusting to
    have celebrities attack one another she should have been the bigger person
    and let it go… ?

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