Lindsay Lohan Wants to Bleach or Laser Her Freckles Off

These days if you don’t like something about your appearance, there’s most likely a way to change it through plastic surgery. In the case of Lindsay Lohan, it’s her freckles. Have you ever…

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Wants to Bleach or Laser Her Freckles Off

  1. ThePowerfulPanda

    Ha, chipped a tooth as a kid on the end of a bed as well. Don’t play tag in
    the house, too much shit can go wrong.
    Kim is right, the last thing Lindsay should worry about is her freckles
    (which look fine by the way, and is quite an appealing feature of

    If you wanna see some hotness with freckles just google: chad suicide girls
    vimeo. You’re welcome. ?

  2. emilia rolewicz

    plastic surgery seems like a cool idea (nose job, changing facial bone
    structure) but i think at the end of the day i’d be too scared in case it
    ended up worse and also i’d rather spend my money on other stuff anyway ?

  3. allison delk

    I have had seven eye surgeries cause I had cataract and retina detachment.
    And my eye got lower so I had to have plastic surgery for it. Oh also
    during all those surgeries I went BLIND in my eye and then my eye went back
    to seeing again but barley cause of all of those operations . ?

  4. Alex Mondschein

    I wouldn’t want plastic surgery, but even if I did I’vee seen far too many
    faces that probably weren’t that bad to start with totally botched to even
    think about it. It’s like investing, you can’t only consider the upside…
    I do want that Invisaline thing for your teeth though. I was told by my
    orthadontist when I was 12ish that I didn’t *need* braces but my
    teeth might come in perfectly straight. You can’t let a 12 year old
    boy make that call, he’ll always say no. It’s only one tooth that’s really
    crooked, but it’s noticable.. And I see it 3 times a day so I think I psych
    myself out about it more than I should, but I hate it.?

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