Lindsay Lohan walks red carpet at Scary Movie V premiere in Hollywood

Lindsay Lohan has walked the red carpet at the Scary Movie V premiere in Hollywood alongside her co-star Charlie Sheen. Report by Ashley Fudge. Subscribe to …

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6 Responses

  1. Sharon Newman says:

    The drunk losers!!!!!?

  2. WelshMovieMan says:

    I? clicked on it to say my point you dick. Plus I love scary movie series and charlie sheen so yeah.

  3. VColossalV says:

    No offense, but you don’t have to watch this… why the hell did you click this video? Wasn’t? the title clear enough?

  4. sarapngxueyunn says:

    charlie? sheen and lindsay lohan. WOW

  5. akittypie says:


  6. WelshMovieMan says:

    No one likes this slut ITN so quit posting shit. we are Brits not fucking? yanks. GOD! Im so close 2 unsubbing