Lindsay Lohan Trouble For Liz Taylor Biopic: Causing Problems For Producers: ENTV

Lindsay Lohan is giving a lot of grief to the producers of ‘Liz & Dick’ the Elizabeth Taylor biopic dealing with her famous relationship to Richard Burton. LiLo is reportedly very unhappy with the casting choices for the Richard Burton role. Gossip Girl’s Matthew Settle, Sean Maguire and CSI’s Craig Robert Young are currently in consideration for the role. Lohan’s comeback isn’t going exactly as planned. Reports surfaced that during her recent appearances on SNL and Glee she was difficult and disoriented. It seems Lindsay’s image may need a longer stint in rehab than previously thought. For the full story read

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14 Responses

  1. zanechaos says:


  2. daniel mendez says:

    i like more linda carter for liz? taylor

  3. daniel mendez says:

    i like more linda carter for liz taylor?

  4. champlainabc says:

    what did they expect? from this train wreck??

  5. yippitydodah says:

    OK Harry Eden, 22 now? Will Lindsay put up with a four year younger bloke? But it is easier to make a young bloke old, rather than the other way around. I think he has something, Daniel Craig obviously thought so in Fools.

    ACH, fuck this nonsense, Hayley from New Zealand Lindsay, people you should get to know, walking about in World life, they are healthy, unlike the c**nts you no doubt constantly meet,
    Got? to be Harry, if he is up to it.

  6. yippitydodah says:

    ACTION! – SPEED!, as at here,? the brilliant exponents of casting, as seen here,

    send the lady a bottle over, props. Times never change.

  7. yippitydodah says:

    Got to be Daniel Craig, since he is half welsh already or something, as long as he is not poncing about in a James Bond car, that is.

    Ok, so he is getting on, so how about, umm, umm,? ummm, what about the bloke that was in this, nooo, not chunky enough, but he can put on weight, and have few inches cut from his legs – “how do you keep yorself clean” !!! O-O

    Hmmm, how about this fella?
    no. hmmmm, let me contumplate for a while longer, and will come up for perfect one, ACTION

  8. lisaanlyd says:

    err lindsay lohan is? an amazing actress id like too see shandy tryin tht role! x

  9. PhancyPants99 says:

    ugh.? Why the hell do they need her ‘approval’??

  10. harrymudd7 says:

    Bull? Shit

  11. Hillieboygenius says:

    why the hell don’t you people leave? her alone and stop spreading false rumours. Don’t you guys have lives

  12. muffincat44 says:

    what? sort of name is “shandy” ??

  13. TheEchovoices says:

    she is wrong for this role,and shandy is wrong for this report, you do NOT HAVE TO YELL quiet it down a bit Shandy we’re not DEAF. Sheesh the world is being? taken over by kids no wonder the end is near!

  14. MrCreepshow09 says:

    she’s? just really rusty after not being able to work the past few years, her performances on those shows were below par