25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan To Sue Rockstar Over Grand Theft Auto 5

  1. i'm JGott

    Rockstar will put that former star under a rock! So won’t win anything not
    even the time of day. Rockstar is a billion dollar company and Lohan is
    what? I don’t even like gtaV. I guess robot chicken should be in trouble as

  2. LILSPAZ57

    LMAO Yeah she Papparrazo mission she was a porn star lol she crashes at the
    construction sight but I dont pay attention or know much about Lindsey to

  3. SkinnyAssGamer

    Grand Theft Auto is supposed to make Fun of Real Life. Rather it be
    Politics, Gaming (Look At Jimmy I Laugh every time I see him), Stereotypes
    but you don’t see Obama sueing Rockstar or The Republicans Sueing RockStar
    Or Any Gamers or whatever the Fuck Sueing R* I Honestly believe she wants
    Money for more Crack, Herion, Meth, Laced Pot, Cocaine, Excesy,Etc and also
    for she can get out of Rehab. Crazy Bitch go Rot In a Hole smoking Crack.
    Nobody cares about Lindsay Lohan no more. ?

  4. CoUGH B

    Wow, that’s a bunch of nonsense. Neither the mission nor the box art
    reminded me of Lohan. Is Lohan even a natural blonde lol? Good points,I
    agree, definitely a desperate cash grab and maybe even an attention grab. ?

  5. brokedownsystem

    @ 20 seconds – Likeness, not likeliness. =P

    I hope the judges aren’t that stupid to honor this lawsuit. The artwork
    depicts a woman that looks way more like Kate Upton than it does Lindsay,
    and the in-game characters don’t look like Lindsay either.?

  6. sgt rios

    Man that character sounded like a annoying bitch and Lindsey Lohan doesn’t
    sound anything like that she’s just crazy she probably want some more money
    for drugs or some shit I can see her losing this case lol #dumb #bitch?

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