Lindsay Lohan to Host F1 Rock Concert in Singapore

As Formula 1 fever descends on Singapore, Hollywood bad girl Lindsay Lohan arrived on the island city on Thursday (September 24) to host a three-day concert, which coincides with the F1 race over the weekend. The actress said she is new to F1, but is excited about her role in the concert.

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20 Responses

  1. toetagjeee says:


  2. retard2random says:

    lol sorry SaarTJuh21 my mouse went outta controll. sorry

  3. SaarTJuh21 says:

    I love Lindsay!

  4. loveismagik says:

    Lindsay is so cool. She deserves the best in life.

  5. DetG says:

    No Doubt got booed too
    cuz they late
    they booed everyone
    Weird audience

  6. GingerOreo says:

    That’s really sad. So how did she react to the booing?

  7. deathfire31 says:

    Beyonce and The Black Eyed Peas ROCKED!!!!!!!! XD

  8. deathfire31 says:

    It was so sad at the F1 rock concert. Everybody booed at her name.

    LINDSAY: “Come on Singapore, I want you to cheer on three. One, two, three!”

    AUDIENCE: “BOOO!!!!”

    LOL. but i still look forward for her on films.

  9. doomsday968 says:

    singapore is a great country you peice of trash.

  10. stevejobs222 says:

    it’s not weird she got boo.. she just needs to set a better example and it was lame enough for the org. to get her over. a country like sin ..tolerant to crackheads! i rest my case!

  11. crystaltears86 says:

    Ohhhh love her heels!!!!

  12. donthinkjustwatch says:


  13. 6126playground says:


  14. FMikirei says:

    her name got boo whenever it was said at the f1 concert….wierd….haha

  15. EndlessPalm says:

    Look at her face D=

  16. ihcchibm says:

    agree LOL
    but i love her

  17. ihcchibm says:

    r u 4 real?

  18. TheGirliciousSource says:

    Go Lindsay! Can’t wait for more of your films!

  19. EndlessPalm says:

    Her cheeks, they’re huge!

  20. GundamAngelicDevil says:

    I only hope that she’ll behave until the concert is over.

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