Lindsay Lohan to Be Charged With Grand Theft

Prosecutors said Tuesday they plan to charge actress Lindsay Lohan with felony grand theft of a 00 necklace reported stolen from a jewelry store last month. (Feb. 8)

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25 Responses

  1. theforcesdatb says:

    You know what the very sad part is to me? If she weren’t too crazy, because clearly she is crazy, (classic child star who’s lost her mind), she could actually be a younger Jolie. Seriously! The girl was very talented. I mean, she wasn’t exactly produced (as a product) just because she looks good. She really had so much going for her & could totally be loved by the masses but I give up on her. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WASTE. UGH!

  2. BuddenOne says:

    @0sAndOnes Nigga? Are you a nigger? yes or no? <– monkeys circle one please.

  3. MrLinolinares says:

    She was trying to steal my stereo last night I hope she goes to jail soon.

  4. PhuckHue2 says:

    I love her, she gives me a boner 🙂

  5. hoosierhiver says:

    I used to think she was hot, now she is just a trashy whore.

  6. jeanol1 says:


  7. jwcees says:

    @DSEGS …I hear ya brother. lol

  8. RCK502 says:

    She needs a good looking stud of a boyfriend, with an enormous “you know what” do keep her occupied, and OUT of trouble. Seems that its about all Hollywood really understands.

  9. MrTouchShriek says:

    @mjbab73 perfect

  10. mjbab73 says:

    She’s so not fetch.

  11. salemthacat says:

    ill have whatever shes having it must be some crazy good shit lol

  12. 5191keith says:

    Stick her prissy ass in the a REAL PRISON for at least 5 years and just maybe she will learn to stop being a menace to society !!! Until she learns her actions are serious and not a joke that is where she belongs like other criminals !!!

  13. XJennyX127 says:

    i just dont see why she would have done that? i mean she knows if she screws up again shes a goner. i think some1 is framing her. unless she really is that damn stupid.

  14. DSEGS says:

    @jwcees thats right!!! I’m pulling for her too…….pulling my dick till i cum!!! hahaha

  15. RockerDude899 says:

    I’m guessing her parents keep bailing her out of jail. What they need to do is give her some tough love by freezing her bank account and keeping her in jail. If I knew my kid was doing drugs they would not get one dollar from me. At some point a parent has to say ” it’s time to grow up. That’s tough love.

  16. jwcees says:

    All are saying she’s a drug addict slut. Now wait just a minute folks…she has OTHER fine qualities too! lol

  17. jwcees says:

    MY VALLEY MIGHT NOT BE “YO” VALLEY…AND “YO VALLEY MIGHT BE MY VALLEY…BUT WE ALLLL GOT VALLEYS! Lindsay, pull your head out of your ass chica. Your talented, hot etc. I’m pulling for you!

  18. luckstergal says:

    Just lock her up and throw away the key. She’s just trouble.

  19. nadine2k101 says:

    excuse my bashing but I am going to bash Lindsay Lohan, doesn’t that fool ever learn from her past? I guess she doesn’t care, I don’t give a crap if she is a celebrity I am going to say give her a maximum sentence as any ordinary person would get.

  20. nadine2k101 says:

    excuse my bashing but I am going to bash Lindsay Lohan, doesn’t that fol ever learn from her past? I guess she doesn’t care, I don’t give a crap if she is a celebrity I am going to say give her a maximum sentence as any ordinary person would get.

  21. IkilledColMustard says:

    She just needs to go to prison to get it. She seemingly doesn’t understand that you can’t take things (whether someone else is supposed to sign for them or not) and expect to just come and go with them as you please. She needs to sit in prison until she understands.

  22. MisterDoodyHead says:

    ***peep my video entitled “the GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS about LINDSAY LOHAN’S necklace debacle”***

  23. tradernorton05 says:

    fucking worthless hollywood trash.
    Just put a slug in her head already.

  24. pvtjamesryan3 says:



  25. MattyTheMole says:

    @ITRIPOVERMYCOCK “But let this be a Black or Hispanic? That is a bullshit statement. Regardless of race or gender these days celebrities or the rich can buy their way out of anything in this country from no jail to a reduced sentence with special treatment. She is clearly a full blown addict who is trading an addiction for another. If only she smoked weed instead this shit would have never happen. Fuck Cocaine!

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