Lindsay Lohan – Then and NOW 2012 -face morph over the years-

From a fan..with love… Drug abuse and the rest…Too bad.Bummer.

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25 Responses

  1. Neha Jacob says:

    This is just really sad..she was Cady in mean girls :(?

  2. david sayen says:

    This isn’t sad this is upsetting. We need to petetion Washington to
    develope a time machine so that we can have 17 year old Lindsay back.?

  3. zeekthe hammer says:

    I’m sure she only has a few years left to live anyways least she will look
    old enough?

  4. aaron mcerlean says:

    Talk abou beauty and the beast?

  5. Isy555921:) says:


  6. Don delaney says:

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . I am sure she will make a comeback
    .. I loved her in Liz and Dick
    She is still a very talented actress. ?

  7. Althea Ninia says:


  8. absolutesh says:

    I feel sad for her! How?!??

  9. mrsfnisar says:


  10. BettyMasterPain says:

    paris hillton influence… she destroy anything she touch?

  11. Lisa Hooper says:

    I’ve seen meth-heads that look better after 10 years than whatever it is
    her face is doing now. Were she, Bynes & Miley involved in a race to see
    who could look 20 years older, waste away & become forgettable the fastest?
    It’s a toss up. What do you think??

  12. Kimberly Moyo says:

    Well sombeody needs a mirror oh wait it would crack?

  13. Tentacles Ehall says:

    00:47 how could u prefer that face to ur old beauty

  14. ThatAllCrazyStuff says:

    Feeling bad for her 🙁

  15. Kallee Cupples says:

    she looks like a drunk hooker????

  16. Bianca Dias says:

    fuck off…it is real? why god why??

  17. Epic Ellie says:

    what has she done to herself????

  18. Amanda Rose says:

    She really messed up her life 😛

  19. BELLAwentLALA says:

    Damn Africa , what happend?

  20. 01ChevyGirl says:

    In some of these pic she look like a grandmother in her 60’s instead of a
    young woman in her 20’s

  21. Graciela Bracamonte says:

    se pueden ocupar de su vida y dejan de molestar a lindsay???? no jodan

  22. donipool1 says:

    Man I used to want that so bad when I was a kid. I feel sorta bad for her
    even though it’s her fault.

  23. ahjumma chris says:

    wow she looks horrible, my grandma looks better than her.

  24. brill7 says:

    once was an amazing woman

  25. Bethany Evans says:

    She was so pretty! Really sad to see her like this