Lindsay Lohan Teen Nick with ali and cody part3

lindsay ali and cody lohan in teen nick 2004

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25 Responses

  1. Pinkgirl1012QLHMB says:

    they are sooo cute 🙂 I love Lindsay and Ali 🙂

  2. jaderulezz1 says:

    love her honesty with her biggest mistake answer

  3. Kakarota14790 says:

    y que no lee los tabloides, no? Jajajaja!!! si es hipócrita. Se sabe los chismes de todo el mundo.

  4. Mike30002de says:


    errr, no. To each his/her own

  5. JTT4everlover says:

    shes not a lez is she?

  6. JTT4everlover says:

    she was arrested for taking drugs even before u posted this

  7. 20feb says:

    yep she’s SOO gay, haha love it!!!

  8. softballdog1 says:

    ali reminds me soooo much of someone on my softball team

  9. KATandBEC says:

    She is really sweet! i would want to have herc as my older sister

  10. hemzzzzzmisslove says:

    lindsay she is so0o0o0 Sweet

  11. americantouch says:

    i know her sister cares about her but she doesint spend much time with her usually i know shes bussy but still shes her sister

  12. americantouch says:

    her sisters is so cute i dont know her sister used to care about her but now that shes with samantha ronson she doesint care about her anyomre

  13. alhambramoors89 says:

    it sucks when your older sister wants to put you down like when they are going threw puberty. uh is horrible . feel for ali. one day all the young sister would look around and be like bang, “not so little anymmore” lol 😀

  14. bikette07 says:

    “Your biggest mistake?”
    LL: “Datin’ that guy from that 70’s show”

    In fact, her biggest mistake is “datin’ guys” , she’s so into girlz right now!! ROFLMFAO!!!

  15. algk92 says:

    her middle names morgan thats so not true its dee

  16. 3yeka says:

    00:59. I like her little scream there cute. lol

  17. ISoundzLikeThis says:

    i feel bad 4 ali she didnt know anything ceppt 1 thing

  18. eline55 says:

    soo cute her mom is her biggest role model!!

  19. Ashxs89 says:


  20. Justinluver1011 says:

    who didn’t lol

  21. EWatsonLover says:

    They’re both so cute. =)

  22. cadaswcadasw says:

    I knew the last answer. I knew the answer was Beyonce.

  23. Liyahbaybeexo says:

    i miss that lindsayyyy too [:

  24. butterflygal911 says:

    i miss that lindsay!

  25. bearchen505 says:

    lilo is super cute~~~ love her!

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