25 thoughts on “LIndsay Lohan Teen Nick with ali and cody part1

  1. youtoobyousr

    i love lindsay! she seems so cool and nice. she is gorgeous and will always be. people saying she did bad things. well, she did but she apologized and is getting help. instead of bringing her down, you should be happy that she is trying to build her life again! great job linsay! keep going and good luck!

  2. bipbop2

    I like lindsay, she’s funny =P
    I don’t care about this crap about her from the media anymore, I know that she is trying to get help, and it don’t help when y’all bringing her down for NO REASON, I mean, yeah, she has made mistakes, but jeez, she don’t need that much hassle! its only gonna get worse!!

  3. carollynnx0x

    cause when we went to middle school we met new people, and we just kind of stopped hanging out. this was shot when i was in 5th grade. im in 8th grade now.

  4. laddygirl97

    because how do you know have you talk to her you can not read everything you see on the internet and magazine i think she is just streesd she has dad in jail every body makes up stories about her……

  5. naihearts

    Pwnerizer8800 your pathetic…come to videos just to talk about lindsay who clearly you don’t like…wow you have TOO MUCH time on your hands lmfao!!! =]]]

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