Lindsay Lohan Teaches Andy Cohen “The Parent Trap” Handshake!

Lindsay Lohan teaches Andy Cohen her talent: the famous handshake from “The Parent Trap”! “Watch What Happens” as Bravo Andy Cohen interviews today’s hottest…

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19 Responses

  1. Nia Freeman says:

    I’m watching the parent trap right now. (:?

  2. She still remember it?

  3. TAVVIDA C says:

    so cuteeeee i love her voice?

  4. BreeVideos says:

    Awwww that was so cute!?

  5. Ryan Mulqueen says:


  6. Alexis J says:

    Andy’s so funny. Lol

  7. Blah Woah says:

    shes adorable?

  8. Brent Darlen says:

    Why is her voice like that oh my goodness?

  9. rafaduasal says:

    Haha i love how excited Andy gets with these kind of things! Tha’s why he
    is the perfect host for a show about pop culture :)?

  10. Lolas Honesty says:

    Aww this was cute. Nice to see her having fun.?

  11. dezzy dee says:

    I absolutely love her!?

  12. Yariza Carrero says:

    I love you Andy lol?

  13. Sosmcs See says:

    What the heck did I just watch ?

  14. mxpopfresa says:

    Was the kiss of the head awkward for anyone else? Lol?

  15. flaminglagger says:

    Thats so fetch?

  16. 86nicolek says:

    Nice to see Lindsay in good spirits. How embarrassing watching her show. I
    feel sorry for her! Get it together girl!!?

  17. SonyaMrsG says:

    Aww Wacha got excited too?

  18. Sam Peace says:

    if its not mean girls then its the parent trap. ?

  19. heidos7 says:

    That was so awkward but brought back so many memories! I remember trying to
    learn the dance when I was younger and I would watch the movie all the time
    lol I still love it :)?