I honestly think if she needs to move every 30 days then that’s great for her as long as she is stays healthy. Also her? dad is probably just trying to make some money with that interview and I find that disgusting of him. No need for family matters… we all have family stories that no one else needs to know!
I don’t know what is best for this pretty actress lady? All I know is that she is one of my favorite beauties out there. What ever may be best for her who knows? But I will always have something pretty to say about her because she is so beautiful and? I believe in this one.
I love? and will always support Lindsay from 2005 to now. I don’t care what people think or say about her. I know she’ll get better. I will stick with her during her worst and best, what kind of fan would I be otherwise?
A lot of people stop believing in Lindsay but not me I still believe that she will make her comeback she’s already done it she came out and scary movie 5 she’s going to hear from the movie The Canyons so I believe in her its up to her not to us it’s hard to change if Britney Spears did it she can do?
I think Lindsay’s dad needs to stop talking bad about her daughter the only thing he cares its about money I would have been so embarrassed if he was my dad because he is a horrible father doesn’t care about? Lindsey
i belive her father should keep his mouth? shut and suport her by staying by her side nott running around telling stories…. she dosent need more drama in her life, just to gett better and gett lots of love from her family and friends
Im so glad Lindsay is doing better. I was so worried on how she was doing. I kinda lost much respect for her before, but now when she takes this seriously all I have to say is #Proud. Her father may just — (I kinda cencored this, words like this should not be used on a great show like this).? Love from Norway to both LiLo and Clevver News. Stay strong, Lindsay!
Its great that she’s FINALLY !!x accepting support and going along with? rehab i think her parents need to JUST be her parents ! i think thats what she needs and i don’t think them talking about it to the world will help when she’s good and ready she’ll do the talking about the experience everyone has a different pace and some need more time then others so i don’t think its their right to say “oh lets go talk about her she won’t mind” when in fact what if that sets her of the rails again
I honestly think if she needs to move every 30 days then that’s great for her as long as she is stays healthy. Also her? dad is probably just trying to make some money with that interview and I find that disgusting of him. No need for family matters… we all have family stories that no one else needs to know!
I don’t know what is best for this pretty actress lady? All I know is that she is one of my favorite beauties out there. What ever may be best for her who knows? But I will always have something pretty to say about her because she is so beautiful and? I believe in this one.
How? fucking cares
If It does her any good I really dont mind her leaving to another rehab! I really want her? back on track!
I still wish? the best for Lindsay. ?
I love? and will always support Lindsay from 2005 to now. I don’t care what people think or say about her. I know she’ll get better. I will stick with her during her worst and best, what kind of fan would I be otherwise?
You look? beautyfull in that dress
???????? ????? ????? -_____-?
A lot of people stop believing in Lindsay but not me I still believe that she will make her comeback she’s already done it she came out and scary movie 5 she’s going to hear from the movie The Canyons so I believe in her its up to her not to us it’s hard to change if Britney Spears did it she can do?
I think Lindsay’s dad needs to stop talking bad about her daughter the only thing he cares its about money I would have been so embarrassed if he was my dad because he is a horrible father doesn’t care about? Lindsey
Malibu Rehabs and Lindsay? go together like Malibu Rum and Diet Coke.
Michael needs an OFF button. He’s a? famewhore and always pimping out his daughter’s name! He needs to backoff.
i told myself not again but? hey at least shes still in rehab
loving your dress deidre 🙂
her? parents disgust me honestly! no wonder shes got issues get well lindsay b clean sober happy & healthy & surround urself with positive people! 🙂 x
i belive her father should keep his mouth? shut and suport her by staying by her side nott running around telling stories…. she dosent need more drama in her life, just to gett better and gett lots of love from her family and friends
She? looks better with red hair
I think she’s taking her change on getting back on? track cuz amanda Byrnes thingy
Im so glad Lindsay is doing better. I was so worried on how she was doing. I kinda lost much respect for her before, but now when she takes this seriously all I have to say is #Proud. Her father may just — (I kinda cencored this, words like this should not be used on a great show like this).? Love from Norway to both LiLo and Clevver News. Stay strong, Lindsay!
I hope she will get better, good for? Lindsay!
I’m happy lindsay is getting help hopefully she stays clean. Love? her in Mean Girls (:
So happy for Lindsay. hope she gets better soon and i cant wait to see her new stuff when? she starts working again 🙂 xx
8th? xx
Yay Lindsay is going in the right? path now! 🙂
Its great that she’s FINALLY !!x accepting support and going along with? rehab i think her parents need to JUST be her parents ! i think thats what she needs and i don’t think them talking about it to the world will help when she’s good and ready she’ll do the talking about the experience everyone has a different pace and some need more time then others so i don’t think its their right to say “oh lets go talk about her she won’t mind” when in fact what if that sets her of the rails again
I agree? with you Olivia.