Lindsay Lohan Suing E-Trade Over TV Ad

Lindsay wants 0 million for using her name in a TV ad about a milkaholic baby

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25 Responses

  1. ZOA360 says:

    Lindsay, is a common name, she’s just want fame again.

  2. foxyred1988 says:

    my names Lindsey can she sue me to? oh no!!!

    i cant believe her lawers even agreed she had a case. if she hadnt have brought it up i never would have linked the 2 together. you cant compare her name with “uncommon” names like Oprah and Madonna, i know about 6 Lindsey’s in my high school, ive never met an Oprah or a Madonna. you cant sue saying its obviously her name when it so COMMON!

  3. zphatman says:

    @GekkoStar I really really hope the hell i’am wrong but I bet the retarted bitch gets the 100 million she a big time celebrity and are court’s more offten then not rule in there favor

  4. YYC403NOYP says:

    NEXT STOP for this parody is SNL……..LOL….

  5. TheKnsy2k says:

    You behave like this bitch kill someone for you…leave celebrities alone!!? they are better off than you in everyway. I am not beating up on someone that is financially better than me!!! THAT IS WASTING MY VALUABLE TIME, even now as I am writing this!! You think she gives a fuck about what you guys say? NO!!

  6. musicstuffer says:

    Is Lindsay lohan serious. Wow she is such a…BABY!

  7. sharkinfested says:

    And McDonald’s appealed that ruling and got the settlement reduced to just cover her medical bills.

  8. sharkinfested says:

    She’s just trying to get some publicity because no one talks about her anymore… because we dont give a shit

  9. TidePools says:

    Can ANYBODY honestly say they even thought of Lindsay Lohan when they saw than commercial? I certainly didn’t. It never occurred to me. Lindsay, your name is a lot more common than Madonna or Oprah. How narcissisticly hilarious is this?

  10. LAchems says:

    she has nice breasts though…

  11. LAchems says:

    damn this girls totally lost it…

  12. prospectnyc says:

    They used the name “Lindsay” but not “Lindsay Lohan”. Her lawyers will try to litigate for slander and libel but I don’t think it will hold because (A) it was a vague reference to a singular name (no last name), and there is no such thing as a “milkaholic” and (B) if the evidence presented in the court of a possible substance abuse problem from blowhan involves all the press that has created the “-coholic” stigma; then technically they should be going after the entire media.

  13. ManOfMeans says:

    In Herbie she was HOT. Now, after the drugs and crap, I wouldn’t give her a second look.
    I hope she gets cleaned up.

  14. fudgesticklebear says:

    She’s a joke.

  15. pixietinally says:

    she is desperate to have more money i guess…
    the pathetic lindsay!!!hahahahahhaha

  16. xsilenttigerx says:


    Insulting? They didn’t even mention her last name. More than one person alive is named Lindsay. She’s a horrible actress & doesn’t deserve jack shit. She’s not even hot. Her face looks like someone took a shit through a screen door w/ all those freckles.

    Just hang yourself Lohan & do the world a favor.

  17. roy46 says:

    what a dumb ass then to think she is in the same class as madonna or oprah how about cokehead does that offend her ha ha ha ha ha

  18. uhfofie says:

    @fudgesticklebear word, lol

  19. Jabbot123 says:

    @mrjiveyjr Seriously? How were they insulting to “her”? I have a niece named Lindsay should she get part of that 100 mil.? Or should she just file her own suit? Please let me know since you seem to be so smart that you are ignorant..Or are you just Jive’ing us Mr. Jivey..It’s thinking like yours that is ruining this country! No common sense!

  20. TheMissHollywood09 says:

    who does she think she is to sue for 100 million dollars!? …Because there is not better ways to give out 100 mill …and to better causes and people who need it. wow if she wins it will be a very sad day

  21. tangymay says:

    Oprah, Madonna, Elvis, Britney, Cher, Beyonce and Michael (maybe) are “one-named” recognizable celebrities.

    Sorry Lindsay, you ain’t one of ’em.

    This lawsuit is absolutely ridiculous. I didn’t even think of her when I saw this commercial.

    Not only that, she just revealed to the world that shes probably broke. Goodness sake, shes only 23 but she looks mid to late 30s now…

    Crack is whack, kids!

  22. mrjiveyjr says:

    Good for Lindsay, these etrade commercials are stupid. And they were insulting to her.

    I’m not even a fan of Lohan, but I hope she wins.

  23. fudgesticklebear says:

    She’s just going to spend the money on coke.

  24. LordBrainiacMan says:

    haha. owned by a baby.

  25. ClariceANDBeatrice says:

    wow she’s stupppidd 🙂 hahah

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