Lindsay Lohan Sues Rockstar Because…Jackass?

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25 Responses

  1. ReviewTechUSA says:

    Can Lindsay Lohan just crawl under a rock and never come back out? Please??

  2. ReviewTechUSA says:

    If this comment get’s 500 plus likes I will bring gameplay back for good. ?

  3. ReviewTechUSA says:

    I just watched the mini documentary on her and the coffee spill and guess
    what? I Still feel it was bullshit. If I went to a restaurant and my fat
    ass spilled piping hot stir fry on my lap should i be allowed to be
    compensated over half a million dollars because I am a klutz and burnt
    myself? LOL….no! New flash. Hot things burn you! that is why even after
    her death her story is still used in pop culture as a joke. Because it is

  4. AlphaGamer64 says:

    If you did your research, you’d know that the coffee from Mcdonalds was set
    to dangerously high temperatures that gave people high level burns that
    were hospital worthy. All because they didn’t want to have to keep heating
    up the coffee.?

  5. Rohith Kumar says:

    actually that image looks similar to kate upton ?

  6. LeoHightower says:

    Wow, Lindsey has really fallen since then, and she’s a bitch now from what
    I can see and tell.?

  7. Caz says:

    Wait, wait wait wait wait wait!

    Lindsay Lohan is relevant? That’s impossible.?

  8. Lordlt82 says:

    By the way rich,i remember that lawsuit as a kid,against Mcdonalds! I got a
    good laugh on that mention.?

  9. Thomas Sørensen says:

    America is probably one of the countries in the world that has the highest
    number of dumb people.?

  10. Mike1015325 says:

    Tanya is her clone look at her all cracked up and shit just like her in
    real life?

  11. exactinmidget92 says:

    this is an old ass story?

  12. chukman102 says:

    Rich, again you have proven how misinformed you are. The elderly woman who
    spilled the coffee on her lap received 3rd degree burns. The coffee
    machines were reported to be defective by over heating the coffee to
    extreme temperatures and burning people’s mouths. She would have never won
    the amount of money she did (which a lot of it was used to pay her medical
    bills to help repair the damage) if the coffee were at standard

  13. Furryfandomfan48 says:

    Lesdsay Lohan?……WHO THA FUCK IS THAT!??!?!?

  14. OC4K says:

    Rockstar has gotten like what, 3 lawsuit threats so far?

    Lindsay Lohan, Karen Gravano, and Daz Dillinger. Ridiculous.?

  15. Dan Coleman-Goss says:

    She’s not just conceited, she’s cuntceited.?

  16. Mortal Alien says:

    Though I could care less about Lindsay Lohan, Rockstar is on my shit list
    so fuck ’em both. ?

  17. GDQArchive says:

    Only In America ?

  18. ShinyPorygon5 says:

    Keep it how it is. Don’t do gameplay footage. Or else we wouldn’t get to
    see that part where you were imitating the guys using the fleshlight on
    cam. LOL?

  19. BijouCinema says:

    The coffee was actually way hotter than what McDonald’s is supposed to have
    em at, the old lady suffered 2nd degree burns. The cashier at the counter
    was holding the cup from the top so the old lady had to grab it from the
    buttom And spilt it on her self?

  20. CloudShepherd says:

    Oh hey! Beating a dead horse simulator! Remember that game’s one week of

  21. M3NT0R™ says:

    I’ve been using youtube since 2009 and I don’t know how to fucking rate a
    video 0_0?

  22. PikaLink91 says:

    That whole “we can sue each other for everything”, is one reason why I am
    hesistant to go on vacation to the States. And I mean no offence to all
    those of you who are actually right in the head.?

  23. MuffMuffcru says:

    While playing the game did anyone think hey this like lindsey lohan?

  24. cwuzii says:

    Hate the way that game goes in slow motion mode every time the Goat does a
    stunt. Can that be turned off? ?

  25. blood117 says:

    She is suing because they used her likeness for Trevor.?