Lindsay Lohan Strips Down for Prison

CLICK DOWN HERE FOR ALL THE AWESOME SCHTUFF!!! Check out Todays new Project: Lose an Olsen Twin video: ——————————————— Get some new Nation Gear :): ——————————————– NBC Hates Conan Lohan Complex Shoot: Bad Economy: Woman Tasered:

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25 Responses

  1. TheLizyBorden says:

    hehe i think Lindsey going to jail is funny. I highly doubt she’ll change but stranger things have happened

  2. hpfanhwmnbn says:

    does sxe stand for straight edge ??????????/

  3. OMGWUNSIU says:

    QOTD She is very important to herself & folks with no life – me…. don’t care about some spoiled beotch that can’t control herself….world is full of them…. only difference is she has everything she needs to life a useful life, but through her lack of character is unable or unwilling to do so. I say set her free and let her get on with destroying herself. Perhaps she will hit bottom and clean up.

  4. StephenLucey3 says:

    Dude you talk more faster than this chick I used to talk to

  5. 4everdemented says:

    @sxetitan I love this game C:

  6. iman324 says:

    I could really care less about Lindsey Lohan going to jail. So funny, though!

  7. d101883 says:

    Your so amusing! I’m being sincere about that.

  8. bryanj12341 says:

    don’t care if she’s going to jail

  9. makeitso6174 says:

    How much do those front wheel guys charge?

  10. drmichael82 says:

    That video of the woman being tasered is horrible. those cops should be criminally prosecuted. I don’t know what prespired before the camera started rolling, but i am sure, with the use of the taser; two young strapping[white] officers can over power any possible misbehavior by a [presumably black] 57 year old woman.

    Those men need to to seek help, psychological and legal, there day of reckoning is coming. To lose their jobs is not enough punishment.

  11. kamcneese says:

    Wow watched the Police Brutality video and all I have to say is wow.. It is like Reno 911 just without the humor..

  12. Muyowolf says:

    Who cares?

  13. pointblizzy says:

    Wow tasered an old Lady? It’s time to listen to “Fuck the police” by J Dillah:)

  14. esawlidi says:

    I could give a shit about LiLo. I’m tired of hearing about her in the news already

  15. TheAdobeFlash says:

    i think that lindsay lohan should be procecuded just as much as anybody else committing the same crime just because she is in show business she should not get special treatment

  16. luvrip4life says:

    @sxetitan lol i’ve actually done that before its always a funny face

  17. zavidladygetter497 says:

    This man is truly stupid idiot. I completely series, in Russia we would beat him with broom or pipe or something! hahahaha But he correct America is a weak and financially poor country compared to west Europe, especially east Europe like Moscow! Football club in Europe much more rich than football club in American this is true! But I like America! They nice people!

  18. dominico1983 says:

    He’s not making any babe faces, he’s just so damn ugly. Looks like my dog’s butt

  19. MrFredy360 says:

    i kinda don’t care about lindsay anymore just like mel

  20. Blueflagproductions says:

    Haha I really don’t give a fuck about Lindsey who cares just let her get prisoned raped.

  21. ReleaseTheLions says:


  22. hotrichbich says:

    VERY HAPPY =.=

  23. NaughtyPluto374 says:

    I really don’t give a shit about Lindsey or any other superstar. I have my own life to follow. Well, that and you Phil.

  24. matulaak988 says:

    she is a danger to sociecty. she needs to go to jail like anybody else. just because shes a celebrity does not mean she should be above the law

  25. Swandaria says:

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