Lindsay Lohan Stripper Pole Pics for New 6126 Leggings Ad

Lindsay Lohan tweets about her new leggings collection and posts a twitpic of herself on a stripper pole from behind-the-scenes of her photo shoot.

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18 Responses

  1. funkbebe says:

    Daily News Gina Salamone and her readers are confusing a photo shoot selling leggings with reality and calling Lindsay, the best actress to come along in years a stripper. The wild villagers read by the light of their torches.

  2. noemistephanie93 says:

    its sad how I used 2 idolize that girl 5 yrs ago and now she is a washed up, slutty 23 yr old who looks like in her 50’s. if britney can come back, why can’t she?

  3. LileeSoeliani says:

    whats wrong with that pic? thought every1 is used to seeing her like that

  4. alyssidax says:

    those leggings are horrible!!! specially the ones with holes on the side! yak!

  5. ooohjenni says:

    I usde to love Lindsay Lohan.. like I love Mean Girls. I want that Lilo back :S She doesnt do anythin with her life now and is always in the tabloids for the wrong reasons

  6. genericaccountuser says:

    Actually she already did! She played a stripper in her infamous worst film of that year called I Know Who Killed Me.

    By the way, Dexter and Weeds DO NOT feature any stripper storyline so I don’t know why anyone would watch the shows for strippers. Besides, Dexter and Weeds are way too good of a show to have her. Productions of those two shows have won multiple Emmys! Please don’t taint those shows’ reputation with LiLo.

  7. kcmj62 says:

    i didnt know lindsey had fans…

  8. may9222 says:

    pshhh I WONT BUY EM !!!!!!!!!

  9. pfabtv says:

    omg shes wearing fur I hate that!

  10. RadarToXic says:

    lindsay`s so great
    she`s the best
    5 stars for lilo and for the video

  11. TokyoChiik says:

    Those leggings made me puke. I agree with the 2 comments below! 🙂

  12. ibstarmagic says:

    I think has been doing too many drugs. That will always show and it does on her,badly.

  13. 13girl13rulez says:

    slutty girll 😛

  14. KhmerD0g says:

    lohan is a slut

  15. captparis1 says:

    If Lilo wants to play a stipper so bad; She should go on Dexter or Weeds and get it out of her system.

  16. ziawziaw says:

    I used to like lindsay but now I don’t
    she looks so old ..

  17. malprincess23 says:

    2nd comment

  18. Brine49 says:


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