Lindsay Lohan Steals Necklace? Faces Judge 2/10/2011

Actress Lindsay Lohan pleads not guilty to felony grand-theft charge over necklace dispute. For more, click here:

19 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Steals Necklace? Faces Judge 2/10/2011

  1. lula7720

    i dont get it why would she steal a 2500$ necklace when she has money so much she was bailed out for 40000$ isnt that? weird?


    She’s 24 years old, my god what happened to? Lindsay?
    She used to be so beautifull and honest, I mean, back in the Herbie days!
    I want the old Lindsay back…

  3. millerlois23

    porno industry is 95% European “jew” run

    this is how you bribe the LAPD into persecuting artists for business reasons

    Hollywood is run by Talmudic jews that want only jewish actors to get leading roles

    all? Godless scum for the abuse of women

    all good art is Christian. a satanic and stone heart can only produce evil wothless garbage.

  4. TheKnives777

    WTF!!!! she’s a repeat offender! she has a wrap sheet by all definition shes a repeat criminal offender!!! You know the kind of people were supposed to look down on, a thieving drug using, probation violating, bond jumping criminal! Boycott her movies and what ever other pointless thing it is she? does. People you need to understand that you are the ones who keep theses people rich and out of the grasp of actual real punishment for their actions and you can change all of that!

  5. thornyyrose

    the fact that she may be good at acting/singing does NOT give her the right to just get away with doing whatever she likes, drunk driving/stealing etc………if she does drugs she needs help if she is an alcholoic she needs help if she steals she needs to be repremanded as any? normal human in the world should be and is….just because she is famous does not make her exempt…she needs to face what she does wrong…..

  6. TheScottieRed

    why cant everyone leave her alone, shes done drugs ooooooo who hasnt everyone goes thru a rebelous freaking out stage shes famous so everyone makes a huge deal about it. who cares shes a talented actress and is a decent singer leave her alone and give her? some peace and maybe she would do better

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