25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Slams Dad, Michael, May Get Restraining Order

  1. MRsxXxlil0

    i understand that her dad is not the most perfect father but he’s trying . he’s crying cuhz he knotices that his daughter isnt his daughter anymore . he wants to help her and she wants to put a restraining order on her . ppl are looking at this at the wrong way of course he wont really kid napp her and abuse her or something he’s trying to help her . i’m pretty sure instead of starving her he will be feeding her . i wish and hope the best for her . and i feel so bad for her father . ppl mess up

  2. TheFriskyBigot

    “dazed and confused”? how are they seeing that?

    media is just a giant dork saturating our minds and they just pick any phrase out of a grab-bag and say them on the air.

  3. caestvs

    Sir leave the Fricken media out of it!!!! And Lindsay, please don’t hurt yourself. Your the queen of all red heads and I love red heads. Take care fancy pants.

  4. NikkiKitty86

    Her dad really needs to leave her alone. He has no right to take control of her or her life. I know Lindsey will get her life together and she will start working again. It just takes time. I just hope her dad doesn’t do anything crazy.

  5. QueeeeNoftheHonEBZ

    … their life, what else can you do? i hardly think that LL is easy to get a hold of and i doubt she, being an adult and all, will listen to the advise of her dad. based on what little we do know, the father seems to care more about LL then her mom.

  6. QueeeeNoftheHonEBZ

    at least the woman has a dad but i dont see that this title will do him much good in getting his daughter help. regular alcohol and drug feinds depend on family and friends to enable their habits.
    people like MJ and LL are rich enough to support their habits and surround themselves with people who will only tell them what they want to hear. I dont think going to the media is a good way to get through to your child but when your kid practically has you completely shut out of their lives

  7. tong3pakitongkitong

    I actually agree with the dad. It may be her life, but he’s still her father. If her daughter wouldn’t listen to her privately. It would be better to say it publicly then deal with her problem than doing more harm to her.

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