LINDSAY LOHAN SLAMMED BY ROSIE O’DONNELL ON NATIONAL TV Rosie O’Donnell slams Lindsay Lohan on the Today Show saying she isn’t capable of playing Elizabeth Taylor in the upcoming Lifetime movie because “the last thing she did good she was sixteen.” Lindsay Lohan’s dad, Michael Lohan, came to the trouble starlet’s defense on Twitter. Please SUBSCRIBE to & SHARE this video won YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. All the cool kids are doing it. Please FAVORITE too! Thanks STEW CREW! Watch NEW MEDIA STEW for the latest in celebrity and pop culture news! For more information on this story, check out the link below. Please also show STEW CREW love to our friends at TMZ and subscribe to their channel as well! ROSIE O’DONNELL RIPS LINDSAY LOHAN – SHE’S A DISGRACE TO LIZ TAYLOR MICHAEL LOHAN – ROSIE O’DONNELL IS A TALENTLESS FAILURE Tune in to TMZ on TV weekdays Monday-Friday (check for syndicated/local listings) FIND ME HERE: Order DVDs & Books: IMDb Twitter: Facebook: Google Plus: PLAYLISTS! MOTIVATIONAL: CELEBRITY NEWS: MOVIE REVIEWS: FITNESS, HEALTH & WELLNESS: & COMEDY SKETCHES & MUSIC VIDEOS: ASK JB: ASK JOHN & GRACE: GET A NEW MEDIA STEW SHIRT! http STEW CREW Appearances: Tay Zonday: Stephanie Parrott: Brittani Louise Taylor: Grace Helbig (aka Daily

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24 Responses

  1. JohnBasedow1 says:

    I hear stories like that all the time but it’s good to look beyond those & wish her a speedy recovery, like you’re doing. By the way, you should touch base with Fran? one day on her experiences with Rosie.

  2. MindofScience3 says:

    I have to say, my boyfriend said she was his neighbor when he was 8 years old, in Nyack ny, and she was so mean to all the kids including him!. 😛 I may dislike her, but wish her the best.? 🙂

  3. JohnBasedow1 says:

    Heart? attacks are scary. I was surprised to hear about that today & I hope she gets better quickly.

  4. JohnBasedow1 says:

    If? you can’t say something nice… 🙂

  5. JohnBasedow1 says:

    She’s getting a lot of buzz for that? role.

  6. 13joeyyeo says:

    What ! Rosie had a heart attack? Maybe Elizabeth Hasselbeck put the mojo on her for fucking with her on the view ! Both obnoxious bitches !? Keep eating those Twinkies Rosie…

  7. MindofScience3 says:

    Not sure if Lindsay is the right person to play Liz Taylor, but we’ll find out? when the movie comes out. Rosie just tells the truth, but sometimes she needs to keep her mouth shut.

  8. djmaverick5150 says:

    Lindsay Lohan playing Liz Taylor is insulting for so many reasons. ?

  9. TheBluefairy93 says:

    Oohh.? Interesting.

  10. JohnBasedow1 says:

    Relevance is a tricky game. Plus,? gotta love the word “swag”.

  11. JohnBasedow1 says:

    Nicely? put.

  12. JohnBasedow1 says:

    It’s a hard business. She also knows? “crazy” and “being a character” gets attention.

  13. TheBluefairy93 says:

    What? happened to Rosie? In the 90s, people liked her. But now, I don’t know what happened.

  14. alantheactionguy says:

    It went straight to ABC Family.? Not sure if that’s better or worse.

  15. fearlesslittlewoman says:

    I absolutely adore Rosie! In my book, she’ll always rock. ^^ I just think she has her days like everyone else. It’s why I’m just as shocked by her outburst as Lindsay’s? dad…this is out of character for her. But I hope she’ll learn from this and leave it behind her. I think both her and Lindsay are awesome.

  16. EDBEATZ1 says:

    Rosie is just hating on her because she cant get any work and she is not sewn as “relevant” in Hollywood? anymore….swag!

  17. JohnBasedow1 says:

    I’m guessing you’re another Rosie fan? lol
    Be nice now.?

  18. JohnBasedow1 says:

    I’m hoping she’ll rise to the? challenge.

  19. JohnBasedow1 says:

    Nicely put.?

  20. JohnBasedow1 says:

    OK, so you think Lindsay will do a good job.? One thing this whole sit-ya-a-shun is doing is giving that movie a lot of buzz.

  21. iwatson14 says:

    I hardly doubt Lindsay would play the role of? Liz well and as for Rosie’s rant: I have no answer to that.

  22. Dylan Dexter says:

    How could Angelina Jolie play Elizabeth Taylor. To play Liz one needs to be beautiful, sexy and above? all, a good actress.

  23. BadAxBarbie says:

    I never really watched Rosie’s show much but the few times I did she actually always? seemed pretty sweet, plus outspoken and funny and awesome in every other way…so this is quite unlike her, in my opinion. I dunno what was up her butt that day…but I think she should at least give Lindsay a chance before she judges.

  24. icollectstuffdude says:

    Rosie grates on my? nerves John. She has no reason to pass judgment on anyone. I really don’t care what Rosie says, even if she’s right. lol.. Lindsay will do just fine. So the kid is late a lot and is screwed up 3/4 of the time. She will either sink or swim. 😉