Lindsay Lohan sings come clean

lindsay sings hilary’s songs!She sings Come Clean!

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25 Responses

  1. ritzadee says:

    awe i love her:)

  2. chocolytesprynkles says:

    she was 17/18 here

  3. OceansPearl4 says:

    how old was she?

  4. iCourtney0322 says:

    too bad she couldn’t stay like this

  5. oakeidoakei says:

    really! totally

  6. PimpMyPersona says:

    love herr

  7. kathy025 says:

    LOL. Loved the part when she said “I’m sorry” to the papz when she started walking away. How cute. Back in her glory days huh… Wish she’d pull things back together. 🙂

  8. flower82896 says:

    º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ post to 9 other vids
    ¨°º¤ø„¸ Copy „ø¤º°¨ press F5 twice
    ¸„ø¤º°¨Paste “°º¤ø„¸ OK
    ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º look at ur background

  9. geeksqu4d says:

    Wow. She was so down to earth.

  10. hollseey says:

    i still do like her, i just really hope she finds her old self. she really was amazing back then 🙂 its not too late

  11. timeoutNY23 says:

    that video is from lindsay reallity show? where does it come from this video?

  12. ford2219 says:

    hahahah youre dont even know her

  13. aishabe says:

    PLEASE DONT READ THIS!!! One time a girl named miya dissapeard in a forest in 1986
    at 2004 a girl named marry found her miya had a scar on her body and the words you are not pretty enough after that marry was never found because you have read this miya will be in your closet in 5 days and kill you unless you post this to 5 vids

  14. caisy33 says:


  15. welcom2thefreakshow says:

    they both wer dating a guy at the same time

  16. AmmaMama says:

    these were the good ol days
    i remember everyone used 2 compare her and Hilary like CRAZY!

  17. videodamatrice2702 says:

    why does lindsay lohan hate hilary so much ?

  18. videodamatrice2702 says:

    yeahhh !

  19. Modelcola says:

    She atleast used to be down to earth, cool

  20. xxxFabby says:

    See, this makes me sad that she got so fucked up. I liked her.

  21. katieb876 says:

    I love Lindsay shes so friendly and normal compared to others!
    I love Hilary too btw


  22. LindsayNeedsToughLuv says:

    Perhaps Lindsay could benefit from some TOUGH LOVE…

    The song playing in the video from this comment is called “Tough Love.” It is written and produced by JD Entertainment

    Where can you purchase “Tough Love”

    “Tough Love” is available online at the following locations: iTunes U.S., iTunes Australia/N.Z., iTunes Canada, iTunes UK/European Union, iTunes Japan, Rhapsody, Napster, eMusic, GroupieTunes, Amazon MP3, Lala, Shockhound, and Amie Street

  23. jaderulezz says:

    where are these friends lindsay? she seems so happy here

  24. mcelusive says:

    lindsay is a hottie

  25. ritzadee says:

    awe i love lindsay this clip is soo cute:)

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