Lindsay Lohan Shops For Jewelry Friday Afternoon

Lindsay Lohan Shops For Jewelry Friday Afternoon And Goes To Jenni Kayne And Back Home Follow us on TWITTER at

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25 Responses

  1. darkmist20044 says:


    FIRST put both hands on your chest. (boy or girl)

    SECOND think of someone you like.

    THIRD tomorrow that person will ask you out or say they love you.

    FOURTH Heres the catch, write this to five videos

  2. Anonymous9100 says:

    Who the fuck cares? This is the stupidest kind of shit I have ever seen. People actually care enough about this girl that they watch her buy jewelry? Wow.

    Leave her the fuck alone. I don’t even like Lindsay Lohan, but shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of life.

  3. milgurljonas says:

    Oh Yeah… I think so… I just like her so much… She’s so cute when she’s a little angel… LOLz… she is so Innocent… But now???

  4. metamltwggloakp says:

    HAHA! Get off of my fucking property. She should just taser those camera dorks.

  5. metamltwggloakp says:

    Well my dear not all humans are closeminded like you. She happened to fall in love with a woman, and because Lindsay is openminded she’s not going to allow brainwashed people to stop her from being with the person she loves. peace!

  6. milgurljonas says:

    I Like Lindsay so Much… She’s pretty But I don’t like the Rumors… and She for being a Lesbian??? What the???

  7. sjp1830 says:

    lol; get off of my fucking property.

  8. RandomLuvva99 says:

    I am not interested in this video =/. I just came across it and watched it. then i looked through the comments and saw urs. ok?

  9. pilotpa28 says:

    id love to shop in that shop. wouldn’t we all? lol

  10. sirjohnly says:

    I came across it while watching another video and felt compelled to comment on it.

    I can’t believe people like you enjoy watching these kinds of videos. You need to live your own life and stop worrying so much about others’

  11. RandomLuvva99 says:

    ..Well why did you bother even watching this…?

  12. sirjohnly says:


    Who cares if she’s shopping for jewelery? what are u guys gonna do, follow her all day? Next vid’s gonna be called “Lindsay Lohan goes to the dentist”

  13. brasilyursch says:

    wow lindsay! u look nice again. okay, you cut the 1st bad thing from ur life. (sam lesbo) now, QUIT SMOKING! its disgusting you idiot!

  14. random5712509 says:

    yeah.. thats y we love her…

  15. Californiachik85 says:

    she’s really friendly

  16. starcrushkisses says:

    wow, shes just human, ive seen her in montreal and ignored her, and one of my friends had to be big of an ass he screamed to lindsay ” WOW! U DO EXIST!!!!!” as she walked pass by at us when we seen her at the hyperclub

  17. americanegal1567 says:

    OFF YOUR PROPeRTY…?!??!? LaST TimE i chekCED i paiD U To waTCh yOUR DaMN FiLMS…soOO THaTS -mY- MinE…

  18. americanegal1567 says:


  19. francisdodson says:

    she doesn’t deserve the money she has if shes going to spend it on drugs.
    i was just expressing my own opinion…

  20. kotystevenspersonal says:

    people do worse than that but their not followed by cameras and what does starving yourself and take drugs have to do with her money

  21. francisdodson says:

    ..and starve herself and take drugs. wooooo!

  22. muzikjunkie says:

    Whoever is the videographer is a creep.

  23. kotystevenspersonal says:

    actually she does she works for it just because she likes to go out and have fun doesnt mean she doesnt deserve her money..

  24. juicysportgal13 says:

    yeaaah seriouslyy

  25. juicysportgal13 says:

    bad photographyy

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