Lindsay Lohan: She’s Such an Idiot

But in case there was any doubt, Lindsay now claims she lost HALF a fur coat at a New York club. And she’s blaming it on a Seahawk!

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25 Responses

  1. Daniel Aveline says:

    Why are you all assuming that she saying Rice was the one who took her fur
    has something to do with “race”? Why can’t it be that Rice was the one who
    she was just partying along and they he took it by mistake, joke, whatever??

  2. amster2007dam says:

    He should be glad there was a camera, or he might have become part of the
    statistics! Always blame it on a brother!?

  3. Tutiliam Mc says:

    Tmz Gtfo. You just hate on Celebrities.?

  4. Abbey Sladebrook-Okubadejo says:

    This girl will NEVER be sober omfg. AND she’s a racially profiling racist??
    Oprah tried, but some animal killers just can’t be stopped. PETA hunt this

  5. Swagger McDolans says:

    Poor minks..?

  6. JDHepwylde says:

    You know those minks are gonna haunt her in the afterlife… (although you
    showed ferrets)… (minks are more ethereal-looking)…?

  7. Lebron King James says:

    Stupid ass bitch?

  8. AlgaeEater08 says:

    She wore real fur? FUCK her.?

  9. Ben Affleck says:

    Lindsay Lohan Is Still Relevant? Well, That’s A Surprise.?

  10. ConsciousDrone says:

    Who the hell cares? TMZ are the idiots for giving a ship.?

  11. Amber Romero says:

    um cause she was drinking and partying it up and didn’t realize she left it

  12. Jalen Hill says:

    Why it gotta always be us black peoples fault?

  13. Ervey Alejandro says:

    Madara Uchiha will put us all under his ultimate gen justu and the world
    will end as we know it so don’t forsake yourself.?

  14. Rin Bijoux says:

    Fuck her for wearing a mink coat anyway. Dumb cunt.?

  15. Andromeda 29 says:

    That B! Tch is a racist? Omfg can we kill all whites so that there would be
    no racist to speak off.. starting with Lindsay Lohan. ?

  16. Goon2006 says:

    Yeah, if something is missing ,then ask from black guy?

  17. RichBshine1972 says:

    Maybe joe Namath stole it lol ?

  18. ladygabrielle36 says:

    This is probably the truest video TMZ has uploaded ?

  19. RightFootLetsStomp says:

    She needs to just go away. She can’t get her shit together and now she is
    racially profiling people? Ughh?

  20. Terry Walker says:

    We’ll the last part is true lol ?

  21. A1mastermind says:

    She blamed it on the Black guy… In America everything bad is for Black.?

  22. Sassy Thai says:

    No she’s a slut and white trash?

  23. Parker Shields says:

    Wow black people is always first to be blamed on lol?

  24. oh snapps says:


  25. GeomighTNYC says:

    shes from long island of course shes racist?