Lindsay Lohan Sex Tape About to Leak?

Lindsay goes braless at sex toy launch party in LA, after reportedly freaking out because a seedy sex tape of her is about to go public.

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25 Responses

  1. blackula6 says:

    these people need to speak up cause you can’t hear them talk

  2. spaceace3001 says:

    Hi people.

    Witness the most popular sex tape ever – Kim Kardashian’s!

    This link you seek is in my channel.

  3. o0Janiseflute0o1 says:

    hey…wuts the website called about the sex tape…

  4. Mikey1724 says:

    i dont think anyone is surprised, im pretty sure everyone was expecting to do so dumb shit sooner or later, were just surprised that it wasn’t sooner if anything

  5. clickmeforgoodtime says:


  6. lazamataza1 says:

    i h8 her

  7. RioRitaSexy says:

    Im Sexier

  8. Th3Best0ne says:

    Hey, did pink panther complain when somebody stole his diamond? I think not!!!!!!!!

  9. sotohana says:

    To be quite honest with you, I really don’t give a fuck.
    Stop trying to make her sound important, you sound desperate for stories.

  10. grfan1991 says:


  11. genericaccountuser says:

    Yep, probably release it herself like Kim Kadarshian sex tape.

  12. noemistephanie93 says:

    dang she is soo far from what she used 2 be

  13. ebabyrulz says:

    i honestly feel sorry for her. for many differant reasons.

  14. vigo894 says:


    Dee dee dee! Ha ha ha. Anyway, who really care about Lohan anymore? We got other problems, and other celebrity scandals to entertain us. Case in point, Tiger Woods might be in Sex Rehab. Click on the right.

  15. watchandwait410 says:

    “Back in August.” I live back in August! That is when I was Happy! Thanks to Mandy, me and my girl broke up in July.

  16. benbutterell says:

    Is it on slutload?

  17. morgieandcarlos says:

    she prob is releasing it herself…cry for attention

  18. YourShitStinksToo says:

    What’s with all these sex tapes from these celebs?!

  19. Jessissickuh says:

    Wow. This girl is retarded.

  20. NFLFan6 says:

    she is a crazy bitch. how can anyone like her?

  21. 19GayFace93 says:

    Search Charlie Bradbury on facebook and go to the fanpage for the latest celeb news and gossip please. People are calling him ‘The New Perez’ check him out! 🙂

  22. LileeSoeliani19 says:

    so much for going to india and talking about human trafficking

  23. trento654 says:

    even with brow hair the host/commentator looks ugly

  24. college87 says:

    i really and honestly don’t care

  25. LanaVienna says:

    She should go get treated in rehab
    for 3 years, then get married, and
    stop living this nonsense life. She
    is a disaster right now. I hope she
    doesnt die soon. I want her to be a
    normal person…

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