25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to Rehab

  1. 1986sjp

    we need some changes in the law system its to old and out dated….certain crimes are not treated properly, jail doesnt solve everything, it just pisses them off more, why not work on preventing the crimes…by offering an alcoholic a taxi voucher for a fee every month “an alcoholic tax”The only damage they are doing is to themselves if its done this way, eventually all addicts quit…once they get to the point of physical harm, and someone tells them they are going to die soon, they will stop

  2. 1986sjp

    we need some changes in the law system its to old and out dated….certain crimes are not treated properly, jail doesnt solve everything, it just pisses them off more, why not work on preventing the crimes…by offering an alcoholic a taxi voucher for a fee every month “an alcoholic tax”.the only damage they are doing is to themselves if its done this way, eventually all addicts quit…once they get to the point of physical harm, and someone tells them they are going to die soon, they will stop

  3. 1986sjp

    we need some changes in the law system its to old and out dated….certain crimes are not treated properly, jail doesnt solve everything, it just pisses them off more, why not work on preventing the crimes…by offering an alcoholic a taxi voucher for a fee every month “an alcoholic tax”.the only damage they are doing is to themselves if its done this way, eventually all addicts quit…once they get to the point of physical harm, and someone tells them they are going to die soon, they will stop

  4. 1986sjp

    @The1FastGP 90% of drug addicts have no intentions of hurting anyone, and are still really nice people….just because there addicts doesnt make them bad people…

  5. 1986sjp

    @The1FastGP jail isnt the answer for everything…do u know how cruel and in humane it is to throw an addict behind bars and watch them suffer….its not right…they need a medical examiner to make it easy on them, they can get veryyy sick, and some are so used to the drugs, that they literally…cannot live without it…and organs begin to shut down….addiction is a sickness…not a crime…..anyone who says its not…is a retard

  6. The1FastGP

    @1986sjp shes has had numerous times to change, enough is enough. Dont matter anyway, the judge is either a puss or being bribed enough cash for 5 Ferraris. A rational judge wouldve put her behind bars ages ago.

  7. BullFighter2007

    America is shit she shud not have been to court in the first place. The Judges have too much power- see how she has been threatened to be jailed on a piece of drug when they the judges themselves use it-

  8. MrAngelmann

    Fuck this god damm bitch… I wouod fuck her up the ass as soon as I got the chance… Stupid worthless blond bitch…..I think getting her pregnat would make a change in her life….

  9. thechicagokid1

    Its GregoryA.Marzec~TheChicagoKid~jimmykimmellivespiderman on youtube!You’ve been brainwashed into thinkin ya need the coke or a drink when yer nervous or wrestless!When its yer diet that causes nervousness and irritability!Ya have to reprogram yerself into thinkin that anyone who offers ya the coke is tryin to take ya fer somethin or kill ya1Because wheather ya realize it or not ! Thats a true fact!If ya hang out with the same people youll do it again!

  10. The1FastGP

    I hate this bitch, im not jealous of her wealth or fame *gag*. I cant stand that celebrities always get off free in these cases, if its was a regular joe like the rest of us. Wed be in jail trying to survive everyday.
    Thumbs up if you agree, down if youre a idiot who believes this bimbo will ever change her ways.

  11. BertGriffin88

    Laws don’t apply to Lindsay. Laws apply to those poor Bottom Class Americans. I’m Lindsay Lohan damnit. It’s Halloween America, the judge couldn’t trick me, it wouldn’t have been right, the judge could only treat me. I’m Lindsay & I like those long thick red Twizzlers. Happy Halloweeny, everybody.

  12. KuostA

    IF SHE HAS VIOLATED IT SEVERAL TIMES, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY GIVING HER SUCH LENIENCY. A FUCKING PERFECT EXAMPLE OF CELEBRITIES GETTING EXTREME BETTER TREATMENT. what the fuck, the judge should be removed. how is she going to learn if she fucks up continuously and gets let go.

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