25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Says She Might Die if She Flies Coach

  1. xoiloveemoboysxo

    well if i was a celebrity i wouldnt really want to be i coach cuz i wouldnt want to be bothered or u know recognized for like autographs or whatever i dont think i would have thrown a fit about it tho… but u know whatever who cares really…..

  2. imurscutie96

    in 1820 a man named fredrick osloft one day he was working in his lab until a ghost came by and killed him the next morning fredrick was? nowhere to be seen 100 years later two boys went in the lab as a dare the boys where never seen again where aparently murdered now that u have read this comment tonight when u go to sleep the two boys and fredrick will come and murder you but you can stop this by posting this comment on 5 other videos by midnight im sorry i relly hate these things :'(

  3. Wadec

    so what, she’s lindsay lohan. she has more money than any of you ever will and she can do whatever the hell she wants.

    that’s how it works, and the people in this video are steaming in jealousy, because they clearly have nothing better to do than complain about another person’s life.

  4. LaughingManRa

    I think if I were a celebrity, I’d be uncomfortable riding in coach, if only because I wouldn’t want to be recognized & bothered during the flight. I’d like to think I wouldn’t throw a tantrum like she did, though, if I had no other choice.

  5. Marikay4

    The only way I could defend her is if she is so delusional that she is as famous and has the paperazi monkey on her back that someone like Michael Jackson who literally if left to himself without body-guards so forth would most likely trampled and torn limb from limb. Though I back up and say he is pretty awesome to fans in general given how much he has to deal with on an everyday basis. Ana is right, what has she done?
    Bale. I get mad that people dis him. I’m a method actor and id be angry too

  6. dloghin

    i don’t agree to comparing this with whole christian bale thing. i assume its the whole thing with the director of photography or w.e ruining a shot.
    bale is a method actor, and really is an artist and the dude isnt respecting that shit, i dont rle see that as the same as the entitlement culture like lohan. shes justs a stuck up bitch who cant deal with things that dont go her way.
    bale is an artist and professional trying to do his job, but he just flpped shit on the out of place DP

  7. LelaMalfoy

    I agree! If I could afford it, I would never travel coach. Only, I would act better than this cause it’s not a tragedy to travel in coach.

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