25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan , Samantha Ronson and Patrick on Beverly Blvd

  1. kakakakerri

    i think sam is really pretty but she does have the more manly features.

    but maybe since she looks manly/boyish it was easier for lindsay to be a les.

    you know?

  2. aznjess

    I AGREE. it is absolutely ridiculous that these people are allowed to basically stalk celebrities.
    no fucking privacy whatsoever, it’s gross.

  3. lonelycowboi

    maybe people should fucking let her be? i think she is a talented actress. And perhaps she doesn’t give a fuck about what people say! So stop pretending like you know her. Let her smoke, curse, drink, fuck and do all the things she should. As A PERSON!

  4. sihambelgnvideo

    that’s so sad for her.. everytime she is doing one single thing, even going to the grocery store, there are like four dudes stalking her with cameras and stuff.

    Here they’re all talking as if paparrazis weren’t there.. must be harsh..

  5. bigollameo

    I’m no handsome mug, and being an ugly guy I can call out another ugly person really well. Ronson is FOUL!

    Gorgeous? Unh-uh, no way! Can’t be!

    Well, wait. Maybe I could say that she’s “gorgeous”, but only in the way I’d say it if I was looking at a cow on a majestic mountaintop in a really, really well-taken picture that was awe-striking and I could say “Wow, that’s gorgeous!”

    So, now, all Ronson needs for the green light is a majestic mountaintop and really, really well-taken picture.

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