i am glad that she is trying to put her? life back togther. i so happy that she is making new moives …. i am wating for the Day when she comes back to make music again<3
Lol calm down. I was being sarcastic. They were calling her bathing suit “racy,” but obviously it’s going to show some skin. So I wasn’t dissing her, I actually love? her….and yes I am jealous of her boobs.
she lookin? good n healthy but she needs to lay off the orange spray tan…especally since they apparently missed spraying her ankles and tops of her feet
i am glad that she is trying to put her? life back togther. i so happy that she is making new moives …. i am wating for the Day when she comes back to make music again<3
Lol calm down. I was being sarcastic. They were calling her bathing suit “racy,” but obviously it’s going to show some skin. So I wasn’t dissing her, I actually love? her….and yes I am jealous of her boobs.
That? is not racy, a 2 piece is more revealing than that…
The lips ruin it.?
Why Do? i Come Here?? thats Not racy!!
she lookin? good n healthy but she needs to lay off the orange spray tan…especally since they apparently missed spraying her ankles and tops of her feet
she looks really good! good for her!?
For a one-piece it’s? not that bad ..
She has a hot porn star body. Damn! I wish i was? her lover.
Are you trying to make a point there? Or? are you just jealous of her boobs?
I love her? & I have her red hair :)))
I do! But, I’m? a man, unfortunately.
I like her bathing? suit though.
God forbid she shows a? lot of skin in a bathing suit.
she looks good im happy she turned her life? around
I wish I had her? boobs.