Lindsay Lohan released early from jail

Actress Lindsay Lohan has been released from her 30 day jail sentence after just over four and a half hours due to overcrowding. Report by Helen Austin. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at

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15 Responses

  1. JayNJayShow says:

    @clarkolardo Nope. Even if she kills someone, she’ll be let off the hook like Brandy was several years ago.

  2. JayNJayShow says:

    Oh my God! Lindsay Lohan didn’t have to serve any time in jail…AGAIN?

    What a shock! I can’t believe this happened.

    She’s only been released early EVERY SINGLE TIME she’s ever gone, except THIS time, it was due to the jail being “overcrowded.”

    I bet if it had been you or I, they would have found some room. Guaranteed.

  3. Metrotonic says:

    Why steal a neckless when you have so much money?

  4. concernedagain says:

    All them cameras? all them media?, is she a female version of Elvis? and anyway, who the fuk is she?, couple of films years ago and thats it, media sort your sad little lives out, your embarrassing, so embarrassing its sickening desperado.

  5. clarkolardo says:

    @johnball235 Serious..And I was in AA for 5years..Love being sober,,I fell off the wagon and did time..She thinks it is a joke..Does she have to kill someone before she gets punished??The Jails are crowed..Give me a break..Let someone else out then..She will end up going to prison..She will mess up again..I know about addiction..It will come down on her like a ton of bricks..

  6. johnball235 says:

    @clarkolardo What you say is true, its also what charles manson said, he was crazy but he was incredibly accurate in describing the treatment of U.S citizens hence the reason for the celeb murders, this is what he was saying.! . people are duuuumb and the states are so fucked up… she has a bigger file than yours but its buried in money

  7. stevenabb says:

    It’s nice of Lindsay not to giggle when the judge talks to her…

  8. clarkolardo says:

    I am so sick of this..I violated my probation for DUI once..!! And I was sentenced to 1 year!!!I did 9 months..NY doesn’t play..You violate your Prob. And you go to jail..No bail..This Judge is off the hook..Celeb treatment..I am going to wright her a letter…

  9. alan197211 says:

    Dont worry that crackhead hoe is gonna self destruct and go broke its just a matter of time. Nobody even watches her movies no more she’s spoiled and a dope addict. Watch she’s gonna try make a comeback but it’s gonna b to late she’s already washed up ppl are tired of these stupid spoiled actors go join the no talent famous for nothing kardashians

  10. blade004 says:

    Another “country” I meant.

  11. blade004 says:

    Send her to another where people are impoverished to smack her around with a dose of reality. I have zero sympathy for that stupid bitch.

  12. SoUThnkUCnDnc says:

    OMG again??? isn’t that why she was doing house arrest before?…
    even if that wasn’t her, i still think it’s crazy!

  13. twitter0418 says:

    her mouth is weird than before

  14. TheRedCapitalist says:

    so they can stick more OWS protesters in.

  15. yyttroll says:

    Why so early?